Mohawks Rock

  • 33, Female
  • United States
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  • Calvin Chaos
  • Darian Dick
  • Spencer(BeatenbyFascists)
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Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Rocked in the past
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About Me:


Name's Jazz.
Some people call me Jazzy.
If you are just going to be nasty, do not talk to me.
Read my profile before you even talk to me, and for the love all things unholy ... SPELL so I can fucking understand you.

I am sober, single, and staying that way until i am through school and have my own place.
Love penguins, mhm. *nods*

Love pickles and poptarts, too :D

I am a very loving person inside... but not too many people actually get to experience that side of me... they usually end up falling into my vast well of hatred and sarcasm.
My best friends are my books, my music, and my pen.
I have a son and i fucking adore him. He is the most important thing in my life. If you are going to distract me from my path in life I will leave you high and dry. I only want to be involved with people who are going to help me get where I need to be...stable, going to college, and working on becoming a tattoo artist. So there.

I may seem and act and talk like I am conceited, but really, I am not.
Pick me a flower and you will have won my heart. Until someone comes along and picks me a prettier flower. Then I'll stomp on your flower and take theirs.
I am a complex person, and I blurt my thoughts out like you care.
I am brutally with it.
I'm waiting for the other half of my soul to wander into my life...I am not looking anymore.
I fucking HATE twinkies and those disgusting snowballs!! They are utterly revolting.
I like to randomly sing and dance.
Someday I am going to travel and get a tattoo from every state I go to.
Don't like me? Eat shit :] I probably don't like you either.
I have pretty eyes, and a nice ass, mhm. *nods*
I love my mohawk to death!!

pop tart .

I think life is a profound puzzle and the majority of people are too inept to solve it.

I think the word love has a different meaning to everyone and is tossed about thoughtlessly and with abandon.
I think attatching yourself to one religion is an excuse to not have to think for yourself, but I think if someone wants to do that with their life then what do I care? Its their life.
I think homophobes are just outright ignorant as a newborn baby.
I think almost anything is possible if you set your mind to it.
I think each of the "deadly sins" are completely and entirely okay if you are going to get some sort of pleasure or benefit from it; they all have their own special place in life, and I can prove it.
I think that "after life" is just something to make people less afraid of death.
I think if you can bullshit you should be able to back it up, and if you can't you should keep your mouth shut tight.
I think Nazis and other fascist fucks are fucking scum.
I don't agree with hippies but I think that for the most part, they are good people.
I think I can fuck you up if you fuck with me.
I think God/Jesus Christ is a joke.
I think I am right.
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
I'm 5"6 with it down, and 5"11 or so with it up. I'm working on growing it back out.
How did you find
Satan says to me, he says, 'say, jazzi, why dont you check out mohawks' so i say, i says, 'yes master'.

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At 7:14am on October 28, 2014, DantheHawkMan said…

Happy B-Day 2014! :-)

At 7:28pm on February 4, 2012, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…

Hey what's up Pretty Girl?

At 9:23pm on October 28, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Happey fkin birthday : ) How's it?
At 11:55pm on January 17, 2010, Jazzi said…
oh ok. haha is your name by any chance Mathew James?? Haha nice. im about to go eat ice cream and take a bth. very fat kids i know., but hey its the babys fault.
At 9:55pm on January 17, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
Miggity Matt. That's funny, I just woke up too.
At 12:07am on January 11, 2010, Jazzi said…
lol. my mom is just....basicly white trash. i mean i admit i am white trash but not her kind of white trash. im the kind of white trash thats still cute and awesome. lol....
At 6:27pm on January 10, 2010, Ezekielpoop said…
hahah! fuuuck man! same here! god I swear my ma is bipolar
At 6:00pm on January 10, 2010, Jazzi said…
theyre so common lol.
what about darby? darcby crash was fucking jesus christ for a while. and it means free.
At 5:41pm on January 10, 2010, ┌x┐ • •┌x┐Pots Pots Pots said…
How bout Matthew James?!
At 12:25pm on January 10, 2010, Calvin Chaos said…
hey Jazzi. I like your pics, especially the ones with the baby. is he yours? hope your having a good new year so far...I am. well besides the fact that I got some kinda throat has had me sounding like an old drunk jazz singer for two days.

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