Mohawks Rock

  • Male
  • Buxton, Derbyshire
  • United Kingdom
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Profile Information

Mohawk Status:
Rocking now, Just like watching others rock them
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Crazy Raver
Pounding Hard Music
Motorcycling-SportsBikes,Too young for a cruiser ill get one wen im 50
Torture Garden
Save the Planet...
new father
treat others how you like to be treated
How Tall Are You With and Without the Mohawk:
5'8 without, 6'2 with ;P
How did you find
searching google for ideas

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Comment Wall (26 comments)

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At 5:31am on December 29, 2014, Kobalos said…

I got 6 colour hair-chalk for Xmas.  Any new colours for the new year?

At 5:09am on June 23, 2014, Kobalos gave jester a gift
At 6:14am on March 30, 2014, Kobalos said…

v +1! (shortest message evar!)

At 4:00am on March 30, 2013, Kobalos said…

Happy birthday, mate!  Hope you have a good one.

At 9:23am on December 25, 2012, Kobalos said…

 I'm sure you'll do fine and it's not Xmas without home made food! =]  Did the cooking all go well? 
As to NYE - way in a tiny village here - so probably just watching some fireworks get let off. 

Should be fun with some of your friends round for a little drink anyway, even if not too rowdy. What happened with your last one?

Yeah, I did the same - only grew stuff I could eat - apart from Marigolds 'cause they protect other things growing - the slugs liked them a bit too much latterly tho' haha

Here's some of what I grew - what about yourself?  I'm still a any tips are always welcome - esp. against the slugs :)

Yep, videos via Skype is fine - add my id as: skip.micadm
Good luck with the sales for some boots.  If I'm online with Skype, can I join in the grand unboxing when you get them?  haha I'd like seeing tools handy for your moar smashin'! XD

Have a great Xmas day, man!  Enjoy everyone opening the presents! =]

At 10:48am on December 23, 2012, Kobalos said…

/is lookin' forward to your next 'step' - gettin' curious to see! :D  No doubt busy time tho' :) Merry Xmas!

At 6:10am on December 17, 2012, Kobalos said…

I have some Xmas finds - not finding much on the fav. DM rub-off red/black style, except this pair sold in May, which has some good photos to get an idea on how well they break in.  Still, where one is sold, others will be - esp. maybe after Xmas.


Found some nearby places to you that sell DMs, probably not those, but you never know: John's Shoes in Derby; The DM Store in Manchester; Jake's Shoes in Manchester Arndale.


And although well outside the budget, similar style of Grinders Boots you may be able to find them on sale in the high street.  Another alternative anyway. :)


First own family Xmas with the grandparents too?  Sounds like photo opportunity round the dining table or tree!  Cooking's great fun, started it as a hobby too a few years ago when I got fed up with the prices & always eating ready-made frozen dinners. haha  The net's great for new recipes tho I mostly chuck stuff in for dinners.  I can get how it lets you unwind or escape. haha  What are you thinking on cooking for the big Xmas dinner?
Yes, life changes unexpectedly at times, there's always something you never think you'd end up being.  For me, this year, it was starting gardening, practically zero interest before to suddenly growing everything I could. haha  Not quite as radical an impact as starting a new family, my friend has being going through that, it's amazing how fast his young one has developed.  You'll be experiencing that all the time. :)
Improving; had to cancel my older brother's visit 'cause of the stomach bug - don't want to spread that! haha  So, I've yet to work out anything for Xmas dinner, getting food in tomorrow.  No doubt it'll be a quiet time, but I like that anyway - tho' the sound of stompin' through the snow is very cheerful too! haha  None here now tho' :(  Have you any atm?

At 6:26pm on December 13, 2012, Kobalos said…

Just about.  You keeping well?  Getting prepared for Xmas?


You deleted some before?!  :O  Noooo... :'(  Every shot is extra special.

Glad you like the ideas!  I'll like seeing how you make them into reality - or deconstruct reality haha

With video can see & hear you smash - where things give, crunch & pop to your DCs! haha :D  Some stills too before/after would let you do both.  Just I don't think things will last long to you, to get many stills in until after. lol


I found an easy way to upload direct from your mobile, email any video to:


They'll be unlisted, but I'll be able to get from there.  Or email with the below links to:

At 7:28am on December 9, 2012, Kobalos said…

Here's a couple easy sites for sending video files:

And if they don't work, Skype can handle big files:

At 6:55am on December 9, 2012, Kobalos said…

Got a nasty stomach bug, here's an idea - would you stomping my guts out help? 'Cause being sick repeatedly ain't getting rid of it. :(  Hope you're well?


Ah, happy little pumpkin met happy jester's feet - looked like happy ending for one of you! haha


Ok, some possible ideas I'd like to see you do with your DCs - with video this time!

 - Easy ones, video from the ground & one looking down of you putting out ur ciggie?

 - Crushing a cigarette packet from the side.

 - Left over apple (draw a little smiley face on it?) and then see how it fairs as you walk over it; ending up some smashin' and pulping & grinding.  Oh, and after the vid, some pictures of the left over pulp & your trainers looking down and of what's trapped in your treads? :D

- Egg shells - should make a great crunch and pop under your DCs?

- Other fruit, like a soft tomato, rotten banana or orange? - much like the apple, with video & pics to show the final results & who did them. :D

- Egg carton - walk over it and flatten each compartment, then rip it to shreds with your DCs. haha

- Empty cans/plastic bottles - collect a few & stomp however you like! XD


Can you do some of these (over time)?  I thought video for these would be fun to see your smashing in action :D and you don't need anyone else to help take them.


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