Mohawks Rock

  • 32, Female
  • Eureka, CA
  • United States
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  • dirtyrotten
  • cody casteel
  • IsLaMiC
  • VillyBilly
  • Jessyka Carnage
  • Rex
  • Patches
  • sickogirl
  • Snowphish Tank
  • FullMetalFetus
  • Kustmer
  • Killed By Finnish H(a)rdcor(e)
  • Chry
  • Pickle
  • §̸̧̰̥̖̮́ͥ̋͢♅ͨ☭ͤ̾̃0░இ5ঊ◍6๑≴4থ⅋§


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Profile Information

Mohawk Status:
Rocking now
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Liberty

HUGE comic book fan

I smoke cigarrettes like a fiend.

I am overly sarcastic.

I love everything post-apocalyptic...Fallout is my favorite video game series.

I'm an archaeology student.

I'm a grind/metalaholic. My addiction first started (and in my mother's words, the start of my 'corruption' and murder of her sweet little daughter) around the age of 10 when some boys made the mistake of giving me Slayer, Carcass, Deicide and Napalm Death cds as a joke.

I have a major fucking curiosity problem. I've been told my last words will be 'Hey, I wonder what will happen if I do this?'

For me there is nothing like good company, good music, good beer, and a little bit of mayhem.

I am hard at work perfecting the art of laziness and the art of procrastination. I'm doing quite well at both.
It does sometimes get put on pause.

My six string weapon of choice is an LTD

I think I've lost about 25% of my hearing.

I can draw well, but can't write worth shit.

I sign my name with a retarded looking stick figure in combat boots for the 'i'. My English professor thought it was a cat on drugs and the lady at DMV made me redo my signature because of it.

Food is one of the things that makes my world go round. Even more so if it's free.

White clothes stay that way with me for a maximum of five minutes.

I get a killer natural high walking down dimly lit city streets on a warm night.

I still will every now and then go out and play on the swings with as much enthusiasm as I did when I was five

I used to take shit apart as a kid, still do that as well.

My vision is fucking terrible, things far away are one fantastic blur. Plus side of this, streetlights and such at night look really cool.

I rarely do laundry before nothing's clean.

Love motorcycles

I don't censor my emotions.

I love roadtrips

I can never get enough of the raw, ardent energy and chaotic element a live show captures.

I climb trees was one of my favorite passtimes as a kid growing up in the woods. Recently I've been upgrading to buildings.

I prefer hot weather

I like to set shit on fire

I'm addicted to video games.

The beer is addicted to me, I swear.

I believe being straightforward and honest is the way to go. Makes things so much fucking easier and cuts out on drama.

I love animals and the outdoors.

I'm always taking pictures. A picture is a memory that's captured forever.

I do not fear death, but embrace's what gives my life meaning and value.

I have tons of scars from all my little accidents and the brilliant ideas of me and my friends. They tell a story of my life just like I plan to have my tattoos do.

While the rest of my room would be fucking thrashed, there would be a two foot cleared area around my guitar and my cd cases would be arranged bandwise in alphabetical order with albums arranged by release date.

Screw being polite, I rate burbs on a scale of 1-10 with there being an extra half point given if it tastes good.

I have a problem with insomnia and need to find a translator that speaks organ so I can take care of this shit

I find skanky christian girls to be fucking hilarious.

I've always wanted to be able to fly. Once as a young kid, I taped wings out of construction paper to my arms and jumped off a hill. My face soon afterward became very good friends with the ground.

I can have fun in what people consider the most boring settings/situations.

I'm going to kill this fat, greedy fuck they call Santa for stealing my cookies by cuttting off his legs, use torniquets to keep him alive and then feed him his legs in cookies so he dies of his own gluttony.

Also since Easter is about Jesus's resurrection from the dead, I decided we need to give him a 'where's waldo?' hat to tell him apart from everyone else. In all seriousness, I've started a 'Where's Jesus?' book with drawings so far of zombies at the beach and an amusement park.


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At 11:31am on December 7, 2014, DantheHawkMan said…

Happy B-Day!

At 8:55am on April 2, 2012, Rob Willis ! said…

i fucking love this band

At 5:22pm on February 29, 2012, Rob Willis ! said…

fuck yeah i love Cripple bastards and nasum 

At 9:28pm on December 25, 2011, Patches said…

Merry Christmas

At 3:20pm on December 17, 2011, Patches said…
Of course but I never really did read em all still got a few first edition issues of Cable Cage and a few others though
At 12:52pm on June 12, 2011, FullMetalFetus said…
by any chance, you wouldnt happen to have the Guttural Secrete album would ya ? lol it is so hard to find!
At 9:53pm on June 6, 2011, FullMetalFetus said…

i dont know whats cooler, the fact they have a putrid pile and Guttural Secrete shot glass, or the fact i can rep such bands with my liquor now haha
At 3:54pm on June 6, 2011, FullMetalFetus said…
haha aw but i like some dubstep, lol but that is rather funny.
At 2:27pm on June 6, 2011, FullMetalFetus said…
fuck yes! all them bands. im a much happy person now lol.

by far Guttural Secrete made me nut a bit haha
At 1:46pm on June 6, 2011, FullMetalFetus said…
lol i checked that band out that you gave me the link for, except i saw it on facebook before getting on here, fucking love it, now time to start out with pig destroyer on the list.
and YES fucking love any band that is offensive XD
cause they make the best shirt sayings as well haha.

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