Mohawks Rock

So I applied to work at a local athletic club, went through the interview process and they offered to hire me on the spot. I told them I needed time to think cause there was another job I was considering. Well I went with the athletic club. 10 minutes before I was to fill out the paper work, I recieve a phone call. It was the head therapist of the club and she explained to me that she wanted to hire me, the manager of the branch I were to work at wanted to hire me, but some guy above both of them got wind of a massage therapist with a mohawk and said I would have to cut it. If not I could not work for them.

So some guy who wasn't invovled with the interviewing process says I can not work based on my haircut that he didn't even see. I turned them down cause I said I wouldn't comprimise my integrity or who I am. Has anyone else experienced something like this?

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So far none of my clients have had a problem with it. I guess the client I worked on yesterday is pretty conservative, and had no problem with my hair. (I had it fanned) It didn't even come up. Yeah the clinic managers have no problem with it.
not yet but I know I will probably go through job problemz in da future..... myspace search find users den type in bananaslocal surry guyz Im on my psp n i cant upload pix frum da psp but wen I get to a comp I'll definetly pozt my pix
i'll get in trouble at work if i dye my hair anything "unnatural" and i can't have any facial piercings. if i came in with a 'hawk my boss would feint ... actually that's not a bad idea ... but i guess i have to wait til the last day. all i do is filing, nobody ever sees me, customers only hear my voice IF they happen to dial a wrong number, but nooooo whole company's gotta be under one giant bloody rule.
See stuff like that pisses my off. No one is going to see you and the only reason mohawks are considered "unprofessional" is because people make it that way. Or they are stereotyping us. Just like showing tatttooes or facial peircings. I hate to use the ol' cliche but "they fear what they don't understand"


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