Mohawks Rock

I was watching the news today and noticed that they were calling Travis Barker a punk. I could of barfed. I never thought that society would sink THAT low.
Oh well, just annoying reall.

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definately. 100% agree'd
not agreed, blink suck
nothin wrong with blink man, as long as you dont refer to them as punk. its still good music.
One other thing- in the "Mohawk Song" video by Future Stars, there's a line that goes "Travis Barker had it punkrock, ten inches high." So, apparantly Future got it a bit mixed up too... Still, blink-182 never played what I'd call "punk." Also, even if he and they WERE punk, what bothers me is that they say "punk" as though it were a BAD thing.
everyone's a punk, they just don't all know it yet


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