Mohawks Rock

I'm curious to know people's thoughts on the healthcare system in Canada.

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hmmmmm i think it's pretty good.
but the wait time in the emergency room is absolutely ridiculous!

i definately think that free healthcare should be a universal right, no matter who you are or what country you live in.
ohhh and i think that more medications need to be covered by OHIP.
because there are far too many people with special needs that cannot afford medication. and same with older adults.
a lot of people have to choose between paying for their medication, or rent or food... its a bad situation.
So there is only like an approved list of medications? What does OHIP stand for? Do you know how those medications get approved?

I'm in the U.S. so I've never seen universal healthcare in action. I'm not a huge fan of the thought of government controlling anymore than they already do, but it is good to hear from "real people" not the media about how it really works in their lives.
OHIP is some kinda ontario thing. We don't have it in newfoundland we have MCP.
I am not sure what OHIP is but after 3 months of moving into Ontario I needed it.
it totally sucks!!!!id rather die than go back there for a pcp overdose but i tottally agree doctors giving you free dilaudids when youre on on welfare but as courtney said the time in emergency is even worse than ridiculous my girlfriend had the time to piss her baby out before she even saw a doctor.And for me when i overdosed on pcp they didnt even knew what pcp is!!!!you know finally the fact is if you ave a broken member youre in deep shit but if you are a drug addict its paradise sorta but you know instead of getting these services ,id rather pay for it !!!anyways it remember you what the only justice on this planet is: were all gonna die at one day or another so whats the point ???none
im a large fan of our health care system.
as people have said, everyone deserves universal health care. and yes it does mater where in the country u are, for instance i broke my collarbone at a province tournament in bum-fuck no where and i was in and out of the hospital with x-rays in 25 minutes without paying a dime, it was awesome.

the whole problem with the health care isent the system, its the people. the reason why lines are so long and ur waiting 5 hours to see a doctor isent because there's so many people hurt, its because people are using the ER for a family doctor, people think that a stomach ache is a good reason to go to the ER, or u fell and landed funny on ur finger, u think it might be broken so u diced on going to the er(any minor break like fingers and toes should be dealt by ur family doctor) even if nothing is wrong. iv seen it happen. but its not the system that's screwed up its the people :\, however it can use with some improvements, for instance like coutney said OHIP needs to cover more medication(giant mohawkman, ohip=Ontario Health Insurance Plan).
"but if you saunter in with your eyeball on your cheek you will not have to wait."

Last year I was waiting in the ER in Vancouver with my roommate, who'd fallen down some stairs and seriously messed up his back, and there was this other guy who told us he'd already been there for 4 hours. He was missing a thumb. We were there another hour before he got in.
Dentistry needs to be part of the free healthcare system. Shit costs too much, even with insurance :(


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