Mohawks Rock

So, what does everyone like to read here? I just got done with LOTR (nerdy, I know) and I need some new material! I like Bradbury, David Sedaris, Nabokov, S. King, Irvine Welsh just to name a few. I was thinking about Clockwork Orange, but after skimming a few pages I was turned away by the writing style. WTF is he talking about?! baaaaaah.

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Heck yes! Ooh Idea! I think I'm going to make a patch for my coat that says "Down with Big Brother!" That would be cooool.
good book
I had to read animal farm in 9th grade...
It's not that tedious of a read.
Andromeda strain was an awesome book, ha to read it for honors bio freshman year. If you want to rea something interesting with a different philosophy I suggest Ayn Rand. Awesome qwriter but be warne...these books are looong lol Also, I read World War Z written by Max Brooks. Similar almost to Bram Stoker's Dracula (another good read), but this one uses interviews as opposed to diary entries. Couldn't put it down! Good luck finding a book xD
I love David Sedaris. You should try Sellevision by Augusten Burroughs.
Whooo! Sedaris is hysterical, Me Talk Pretty is my fav.
Well, I've got some fantasy authors for ya. I just finished Terry Goodkind's Sword Of Truth series. They were quite good, very interesting points raised through the story about faith and integrity. The story itself is fantasy though and written in digestable language. =)

My fav. author, David Eddings, I'd recommend reading his Belgariad series (and the following books after it that continue the characters). It's got a fun sense of humour between the characters as well as darker tones in the tale.

Good for you getting through LOTR - not the easiest book to get through, so many parts drag on at times. Though I've read it a numver of times through. I still prefer the Hobbit as a story - even if it was intended as a childrens book. I'm looking forward to that film when it comes out. I just hope they don't corrupt the characters like the last LOTR films did.
LOTR was sooo much fun for me! There's a lot of names and places to remember, so it's kind of difficult if you read it slow, but if you read it too fast you get upset that its over so soon. I'm not much of a fan of fantasy, but after reading LOTR I do have a thirst for more. I'm sooo stoked for The Hobbit movie, I wish peter jackson was directing it tho.
i tried to read them in middle school and i couldnt get passed the third book at that time, was much too much for me to keep track of at the time. i gotta go back to them after i get through all the books i have..
For light reading (especially if you share your home with a dog), I recommend 'Life With Marley'. You will laugh and you'll be sad, but it's a great read. Haven't seen the movie yet.
Yeah, i did read that one. It's very good. Holocaust stuff makes me sad, but I'm jewish so I like learning about my heritage.
Unfortunately one of my uncles was in a 'Political Dissenters' camp (one tiny step better than the death camps).
Fortunately he survived, but emerged extremely malnourished. The experience affected him for the rest of his life....
Another lost his life in a Siberian camp after being captured by the Soviets. Stalin's camps were just as horrible as Hitler's.


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