Bullshit stuff. complete bullshit.
60,000 to reattach a middle finger tip and 12,000 for a ring finger tip.
putting price values on the body. makes me fucking sick.
i was watching a movie yesterday about healthcare and discovered how even more corrupt the corporation is than i thought.
medicare hiring people to take healthcare request calls and they are required decline 10% of people who call. that blows. and get this, the more people you decline, the more money you make. the person with the most declines gets a bonus on their paycheck.
so in this movie it showed how in england and canada and france there is free healthcare and i could not believe it! seeing people have the ability to not pay anything for a hospital, when i see my parents pay huge bills after spending their lives trying to get that treatment. its amazing.
so im wondering, how does that effect things? how many other places have this? because our gov't claims that it would never work and that is a bunch of crap.
and for some more info you have, what else have you noticed that the US doesnt have that you do?