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Any problems or break ups cause of ur hair or piercings or desicions?

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I think if you love each other that just can't happen. For example here is me and my boyfriend, we are together for 2 years now, I'm a punk girl with dozens of piercings, tattoos, a blue hawk, a weird clothing and I'm listening my freaky punk music. My boyfriend is an average boy, without piercings, or anything, he listens to hip hop and metal, and we are great together, even if there is nearly nothing common in us.  I love him and I don't care if he wants to have a short hair, he wants to wear average clothes or if he wants to listen his music, he is good in this way :) Even our philosophy and political views don't match, but who cares about that? :D

if someone has a problem with your hair cut or your piercings, they aren't worth your time. 

And yes, I've had plenty of problems like this before. countless number of guys have tried to convince me to grow my hair out past my shoulders because they hated my hair at the time.

Yes, my GF doesn't really like my Hawk or my piercings....she is okay with my tatts though. But we have agreed to disagree so it is working out. Everyone has a different personality and likes/dislikes, but that shouldn't mean that one person should have to conform exactly to another persons likes/dislikes, even if you are BF/GF or married.......that is the sign of a true relationship if you can both share each other and each others styles and likes/dislikes. 

I have never understood how people can be so shallow as to really throw a fit or break up over their partners decisions on their own physical appearance. I hate my boyfriends beard but I would never leave him for it or force him/threaten him to shave it off!

I was dating a guy (long distance) when I got my first hawk.. He hated it and put me down a lot for it at the time. I could never wrap my head around someone acting like that!

eh my most recent guy didn't particularly like my 'hawk, but he respected that it's my hair and I can do what I want with it. That's how most guys treat me.

In HS though this one Dbag told me if I put my hair (long and blonde completely normal hair) in a ponytail or up in any way I'd look like a dyke, and after we broke up he told me the blue in my hair made me look like a hollywood whore. 

One of my friends' gf broke up with her because she cut her blah medium length hair for an adorable pixie cut.

You're partner shouldn't have any problem with your hair, if they really love you. I always ask my fiance what he thinks before I do something. He always says "No matter what you do with your hair, or if you get piercings, tattoos etc, I'll always love you." But if you're in a committed relationship always ask their opinion. I've had guys and girls say they would never date someone with a hawk or a lot of piercings. It sounds cheesy, but it's what is on the inside that counts.


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