Im going to wait a while cause my hairdresser cut the back of my hair in a kind of V shape,but witha wider bottom :P so im either going to let some thehair grow out all weird or cut it thinner (which would be better for getting a trihawk) km thinking of waiting till i have finished school and am going to uni till i get a trihawk cause my brother would complain about the amount oftime it takes to put them up, and im not that good at putting my hawk up evenly yet X3
Lol it is wider at the top, just a pointed V shape, and its annoying cause its suppost to be all the same width X3 and im staying till im not allowed to go back so il be another two years in school
Devilock for a while but not all the time just out at the weekends, full frindge, side frindge, full frindge again in prep for the trihawk and growing out side burns for a kinda chelsea hawk so that when i get a trihawk i have a full frindge and stuff, and changing the colour and length X3