'tis the difference between being smart and wise.
It's a bit of a cliché, but wisdome DOES come with experience (not age, that's bullshit).
I believe that motivation is much more important than intellect. A moderately intelligent person motivated to do something will accomplish much more than a lazy genius. There are plenty of revolutions in history that were led by barely educated men. Adolf HItler had no significant education. Neither did Benito Mussolini. While these are not exactly the people you should look up to for their ideals (because fuck fascists), of course, they did have the required "smarts, charm and skill" to lead a revolution. (There were of course as with every other revolution or other historical event other factors at play, but I'll keep those out of this post for simplicity's sake)
I've seen a few extremely smart people absolutely fail in their education because they did not see the point, while on the other hand I've seen people described as "below average" intelligence greatly exceed all expectations through only hard work.
Besides that, you also need to keep in mind that in any revolution or general uprising, it's not the intellectuals doing the actual "overthrowing the government". It's the (often uneducated or poorly educated) masses.
Ah, I like you. You caught on to my lie, and called me out on it, but I mostly wrote this so people would try and become more educated in general, and used the idea of revolutionary figures for motivation. Yes, you are correct, Hitler and Mussolini were not intellects. I'm just tired of people trying to say education is not important, because I personally, believe it's one of the MOST important things people can do. I think you understand.
On a side note, I personally think Fascism (Roman Fascism, not National Socialism) is one of the greatest forms of government. I like the idea of an honor based society, and stripping away from the current monetary system we run with. Julius Caesar is a personal idol and role model to me.
Love it! Sad that just because you are smart, doesn't make you good, too:)
Ah, to be honest I'd rather be smart and a shitty person, than be a dim-witted loveable character. It gives me that jagged edge that everyone needs. But I'm just like one of those candies that have a hard shell, and a soft, gooey inside :P
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