Mohawks Rock

there was supposed to be a race war after a white kid and a black kid fought, white kid yelled nigger this nigger that and the black kid punched him, it was broken up after that.

thoughts on racism

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racism is the STUPIDEST thing ever
exactly what i think
So, they were getting mad at each other for pigmentation? People are stupid. So a s.w.a.t. team came? is that what the title says?
ha ha no there was just police up the ass hole at my school and ya pigmentation dumb thing to argue about
Well.. personally, I experience a lot of "reverse" racism, but I don't really know how racism can be reversed when it's on any race, not just blacks. What I mean is the black kids in my school, and there are a lot, I live in a VERY diverse town, are really racist against the white kids. And we're pretty much scared of them. Because my town.. has a lot of gangs..

Here's an example.. My friend Tom, whitest kid on the planet, ok. Big BIG teddy bear, nice kid. He was in chorus last year and some black girl goes.. "Yo white boy!" so he responds, "Yes black girl?" and she got mad. Like.. no, how is it not derogatory for you to call him white boy, but it is for him to call you black girl? I don't agree with that. If we're going to bring racism into this, then it has to go both ways.

My school has about.. 15 security guards. And the majority of them.. about 11.. are black. Three of them are dope and don't let the color of your skin get in the way of their job. But the rest of them allow the black kids to get away with ANYTHING, but if a white kid does anything wrong, you're getting ISS.

Another example.. My friend Ashley was late coming back from lunch because she got into a car accident, the security guard at the door gave her lunch detention, he was black, for coming back late, even though she had a police report. But some other girls who walked in from like.. the period before my friends lunch period just got like a joking oh you guys are laaate reaction from the security guard.. The girls were black.

Racism is really fucking gay. But I hate it when white people are always the bad ones. I mind myself and try not to start shit with anyone. But when someone who obviously runs into ME in the hallway demands I have to apologize to them and I say no and then they try to fight me gets punched and they're black, it's automatically a hate crime that I committed. But not them.
Guilty of being White.... i'm not even completely white, i am native american, i have experienced racism from more than one side (being of more than one ethnicity). here in oklahoma, racism goes deeper than just slavery and the civil rights movement, we had the Tulsa Race Riots back in the 20's many blacks were killed and black communities were razed to the ground. today the majority of black i have interacted with are racist against whites and act perpetually angry... in some cases whites are intimidated by blacks and the black populous here uses that to their advantage only to foster more fear and racism. at a summer program i attended once, exclusive to native americans i was only one of 3 phenotypically white people there, i was prejudiced against because of my color and lectured about "tribal purity" eventhough i had a higher fraction of "indian blood" than some of my accusers. this prompted me to study up on the very subject of hate... final summation hate of any kind is illogical but is unfortunately a mainstay in any heterogenous society. as long as there are different groups there will be bias, misunderstanding, predjudice and ergo hate.
Dammit, "Guilty of Being White". I was gonna use that one, shit.
accch! it shouldnt be an issue tho, oh in a perfect world...
im guilty too
mmm I just thought I'd throw in a little info here on that idea of "reverse racism" (although I believe the term is completely wrong)

I've always hated when I'm either just around a Black dude, or I might have a problem with him completely unrelated to his skin color and he brings up the slavery issue. Trying to get me into a guilt trip for supposedly what "my people" did to his people. First off, most of the "black kids" around here are mixed. Many are half black. So doesnt that make them half white as well? Secondly, I come from a long line of Quakers on one side of my family, and the other side were from Europe until like after the civil war, and those that were in America were northern abolitionists.

I dunno, I just hate when people try and use the "oh no! you're my white oppressor" thing.
i hate when they bring up slavery, i'm just like "we're immigrants, mutha fucka! ur family's been here longer than mine has".
Same for my parents! Funny thing is, when I lived in the Netherlands every kid in my school wanted to be my friend cuz I was American! I felt like a celebrity, lol. I don't know if they feel the same anymore since the Bush administration raped our foreign relations.


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