Mohawks Rock

hey guys, I just got new cherry red docs, I have really fallen in love with them.

they look especially smart with dark blue tight jeans and the jeans rolled up

here is a pic of the boots

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my grinders are finally kicking the bucket, so I just ordered some new boots. I was looking at docs, but I've recently picked up a much stronger stance against sweat shops, and since theyre made in China, I couldn't be sure. So I just ordered some new solovairs. These are them         Your docs are sharp man.

An interesting video showing the machines they use to make Solovairs (from the company's NPS site):

Looks like the grip pattern is different on them at the end of the video.  I wonder if your boots tread will be the exact same as DMs or not?


 Bet you're excited getting them though. :)

yeah im pretty excited. as soon as they get here ill compare the tread and let you know. i hadnt even thought about it, but now im curious too.

Cool, unboxing is always fun.  Always good to learn more about a brand not many folk have yet.  Hope they do you proud.

my boots never came. im pissed.


Dodgy website company?  Just checked it with Web of Trust - but it's not been rated yet, which suggests it's fairly new.  Have they said anything about the missing boots?

it was strange. theyve been running us in circles for months just trying to pay them. they kept telling us different ways that they wanted us to get the money to them. then the other day when it looked like we were finally gonna get it done, they stopped emailing me back... oh well. im just looking for a different store that i can get them from now.

theyre on theirway to me at last. im excited. i got them in red because i couldnt find black, but im going to take them to a guy who knows what hes doing to dye them black for me.

Interesting!  The red might be quite cool, esp. if you use some black polish on them.  I saw a youtube vid of some where the guy had managed to get a kinda brown/maroon colour out of them by doing that over months.


And another idea was to use black polish in the creases to give a weathered look, which I think skinheads used to do.


Good luck this time! :)

Always worrying when you get problems like that with how to pay them - so you didn't lose the money?  That's a relief!

i saw that video late last night! yeah when they get here im gonna try them out red nd make my decision. i really like black boots, but ive never had any that werent black. Its actually come out better for me anyway beecause the person i bought the for charged less. 

heh @ video find - it's a small online world. =)


Yeah, the red is rare to see someone with - would be awesome with a red mohawk! :D


Looks like you and Thomas will both have similar coloured boots but different makes.


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