Mohawks Rock

Shocking New Birth Certificate Proof Obama Born In Kenya?

California attorney Orly Taitz has released a copy of a birth certificate that purports to show Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, which if authenticated would plunge the United States into a constitutional crisis and potentially herald a catastrophic loss of confidence in the legitimacy of the government.


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It seems strange to me that so many people would know that then believe that the government, who also know that, wouldn't have checked out where Obama was born first.
Cognitive dissonance! Yeah! Americans are the fucking kings of that.
I don't get why conservatards are making a huge fuss over this.
Especially with other more important matters going on, like the isreal-palestine conflict.
I love it how they didn't make any noise when Bush invaded Iraq after 9/11 despite them having nothing to do with it, but the minute a black guy with a name that sounds foreign gets in office it's OHMYGODWE'REALLGONNADIEHESTHEANTICHRISTOBAMAITSJUSTONELETTERFROMOSAMASHITSTORM
i dont care. fuck our president either way.


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