had an argument with a kid today about that. i think pot is worse than cigarettes. im not for sure though. You guys should give me some good reasons for either side.
weed effects all parts of your memory and other parts of your brain dude. i went to rehabilitation because i loved pot so much and thats all they talked about.
Hey felix, ... read the side of a pack of smokes. " tar and emmisions tar 14-34mg, nicotine 1.3-2.7mg, carbon monoxide 17-32 mg, formaldehyde 0.070- 0.19mg, hydrogen cyanide 0.13-0.32mg.. there are additives in ciggerettes.. lots of knar shit, none of which souns good for the human body...
thats strange they wouldnt put that shit on packs over there, here in canada, theres that emissions list, a warning on the top, then a card infront of the ciggerets you gotta pull out before you break the foil, that has steps on how to quit smoking, haha
Pot, which is made from hemp is at least no worse than cigarettes. Cigarettes are loaded with so much fucked up shit and serves no other purpose to people.
Hemp can be used for many other things such as fabric, rope, shampoo and also has medical benefit. Of course moderation is key and any substance done without constraint will destroy. Either slow as in cigs or much faster with meth or other really hard drugs.
Though I do not support doing any chronic drugs or substances and maintain a straight lifestyle.
I think the biggest problem is people cannot do things in moderation and at the rate it is pushed on us as a society combined with people trying to maintain their "coolness" or prove it in the first place, these things become horrible social cancers. Though I am straight, I know that not all these things are bad in moderation and actually can be good for health. Hemp was already discussed but also certain alcohol like wine or other stuff can be good for your system in very small doses. I just dont care for them and there are other ways to reap the benefits of them.
Permalink Reply by Bob on November 13, 2008 at 8:48pm
I've smoked cigs since high school. And I smoked pot in college in the 70s. Both are addicting. Both do lung damage. My personal take is that pot use is no more dangerous than heavy alchohol use. Driving high is just as dangerous as driving drunk.
I haven't come near a mind-altering substance in at least 25 years. I only take meds when absolutely neccessary (even turned down pain meds after major surgery). I just prefer life naturally - the ups and the downs. I'll have my cranberry juice, please.