Mohawks Rock

I see alot of threads that are about people being negative toward your hair, but what about all those cool moments you can get only by having a mohawk?


I was waiting at an intersection, sunroof open, and my hawk sticking out.

The giggling old man in the car beside me was pointing at my hair, giving the thumbs up and giggling.

I waved back.

He didn't notice the light turn green, and the guy behind him almost hit him and he got honked to death.



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Best story ever!

I had a very similar one; I always had to walk past an elementary school (primary school to those not in the U.S.) to get to my friends house and the kids followed me along the fence (the school had a big chain-link fence around it), saw one of the kids one day with a mohawk. 

Mines not as good of a story

It's still super cute! If I've ever inspired a kid to get a Mohawk I don't know about it. Usually when I'm in public with my hair up and a kid says they want hair like mine their parent tells them no and gives me the look of death..
That's really awesome, do you keep in contact with them?
i was walking down the street one day going to god only knows where, but this lady was getting her mail while her kids played in the driveway (which had a gate about half way back). When she saw me she shut the mail box real fast and started screaming, "CLOSE THE GATE!!!!!" over and over again and ran back to her kids. I found it all too be quite strange

ROFL  I think she's been watching too much TV or just (bizarrely) crazy to panic like that.  Perhaps she thought you'd corrupt her kids and they'd demand cool mohawks too? =)

we scream it every time we pass the house now. I ran into the kid who lives there one time at the park. Me and my friends were having a fire cuz it was fuckin cold. He was only like ten, but he wanted to burn stuff too. He told me ( as he lit some of his school work on fire) that his mom has "fits" sometimes.

Sounds like she's got troubles - I guess you can never tell what problems are in someone's life.


I just spent a whole weekend in Paris having tourists take photos of me when they thought I wasn't looking.  Best one was a kid in the Louvre snapping away while I was looking right at him, then realising I could see him and sprinting away.  It actually got really annoying by the end - they could at least ask first!
That's the worst. So many people think they are being sneaky but its actually super obvious that they are taking a picture of you. If they would ask I would be more than happy to let them take my picture, but when they don't ask it makes me really angry because I feel like they have absolutely no respect for my privacy.
This happens to me alot because I live in cambridge which is full of tourists (I'm not complaining though, they haul the cash in!) I don't get too annoyed because it's actually kind of a compliment, but when it does get a bit much I whip my cock/arse out and that ruins their photos. Thankfully there's also a very low police presence in the touristy areas so I won't get done for public indecency any time soon!


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