Mohawks Rock

Was wondering what everybody did for a living/Job. Has having a Hawk affected your employment? At work do you wear your hawk up or down?

I work for London Underground at Oxford Circus Station, had me hawk for a few months now a few comments but nothing negative, and the company rules state that hair muct be clean and tidy. Well I think a hawks pretty tidy lol and I generally wear mine up.


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I work for a media company in London. It normally depends on what shift I'm on as to whether the hawk is up or down... I'm not gonna go putting spikes in at 3am in the morning for anyone!! However, the cool thing is that everyone at work seems to love the hawk and no one has told me to get rid of it. Only the other day in the tea bar I had someone ask me what I used to keep it up and how long it takes to do.
I drive a dump truck currently and ppl love my hair
Get compliments almost daily
dude my dad works at finchley road, i asked him bout getting a job for london underground and he said they wouldnt employ me cos of my hair!

at the minute tho im stacking boxes and takin deliveries at a warehouse, not exactly wat i did 2 years of college for but i suits me cos i can do my hair as i like
I have been looking for a job literally the entire time I've had my hawk (about a year now) and nothing..

But I'm convinced that there's simply no way that I could possibly be not getting hired because of my hair.. especially in the city in this day and age.

But maybe I'm wrong... oh well fuck the system.
I work as an online auctioneer. I can't put my hair up too much, but every once and a while is okay with my boss. I get up way to freaking early in the morning to do my hair most of the time anyway.
live in London, both me and my boyfriend have hawks and neither of us have jobs... but in all fairness not many places want people at the moment. so weather its the hawks or the credit crunch.... who knows?
who the fuck would hire me with a shaved head and 7 inch tal hot pink stripe on my head?
id love to know cus i like money just like any other 16 year old girl that just discovered she likes shoes and clothes and hair dye.
id hire you....if i had a business
i am a waitress at a Mexican restaurant. living in bumfuck, Montana people tend to not tip as well to people who are "different" plus my manager inst too big of a fan so i usually leave it down for work.
I currently work in a pizza resturant, they're not too fond of the hawk but I don't give a fuck. I would wear it up everyday but I have to wear a hat and or a hair net, (I've already tried to spike while wearing a hair net it didn't work) :( As for it affecting my employment it hasn't too much, except when I died it purple and they told me if I wanted to work up front I would have to have a normal hair color, I changed it back and they didn't offer to put me up front. :(
that sucks so much lol, id just dye it purple again and see how they reacted
Ha, well I was thinking about it.. all this week in fact! I like the purple too much :P

They introduce me as "The purple haired freak." (My boss)

I'd have to bleach it again though and that just takes too much time!


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