Mohawks Rock

I've just arrived in Ontario today and I'm in the area till the 12th. Was just wondering if any of you guys wanna get really stoned and or drunk. Also is anyone going to Rockstar energy drink mayhem festival on the 9th in San Bernardino?

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Eh, ya lost me on the stoned and drunk part. Enjoy so cal!
284 members have CA in their location, you can use the advance search features to

Here is the california group, a video of how to use advanced search is there as well.
Ahh why thank you very much Gmm.
If your down near LA ill drive out to see yah
ontario is like 30-40 mins from la with good traffic.

Traffic is never good Xd. But still that aint to far to drive. Yeah name a date man ill see if i can come up.


Lol depends on the time of day! My friend and I made it to LA from Riverside in about 40 mins a couple weeks ago. If your going to Ontario from LA just take the 60, theres like never any traffic!


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