Mohawks Rock

i have seen a lot of emo hating around the forum and it really jiggles my niggle, people dont seem to understand what emo is, it is actually a form of punk, it is not the self mutilating depressed group of people that they are usually put across to be, in fact nirvana are more emo than emos this should clear things up also check it out on wikipedia and urban dictioanary as well

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cheers, sir.
it seemed more trendy to hate emo than any thing else.
I dont like the music.. dont care how anyone wants to dress or look.. dont hate em, know some, some are cool some arn't ... just like every other group of people.. one of my best friends used to be emo, one of my best friend turned emo when he moved away.. funny stories behind those actully..
My sentiments is that while I do not see it as form of punk and that emo is a shortened definition for "emotional music" and on those grounds, any music lacking emotion is empty, hollow and generic.

As for self mutilation..agreed that it is not that present in the emo trend but no matter what, it should not be mocked and made fun of if people cut themselves. I take high offense to people who look at my body and say "are you emo or something?" Self mutilation is a characteristic often stemming from severe emotional problems, mainly Borderline Personality Disorder and the last thing those of us who cut themselves or have done so need, is some ignorant motherfucker trying to be superior or trendy by mocking that. Understanding is really crucial about this stuff because a lot of BPD people end up committing suicide because they feel so empty, alienated, and chronically alone. It is one of the most vicious psychiatric much so that most doctors refuse to label anybody with it due to the stigmatization of it in the mental health community. BPD people are the hardest to treat and often need constant support.

As for the music genre...dont care for it...not my cup of tea. I will keep my hardcore punk and funeral doom thanks =) For those that enjoy it or follow that fashion trend, more power to you. In fact, you deserve a lot of credit because you get more shit than any other subculture currently. To the point that emo kids were getting fucked up in mexico city JUST because they identified as emo...fucked up. I really think punks should stand up AGAINST the intolerance towards emos rather than FUELING it. After all, what good does it do to scream fuck racism or sexism while in the next breath saying fuck emos? Gonna say fuck something and direct anger towards it, make it something that is deserving of it and not superficial bullshit such as which music or fashion you like.
BPD is one of the rarest mental diseases in the world and less than 1% of the world's population is afflicted with it. BPD would not cause someone to do self mutilation. A mixture of depression, anxiety, and just the want for attention would cause someone to cut themselves. And unfortunately, it's usually just the people who want attention and want to be trendy. It's that way in my town at least.

You can say fuck racism or sexism and then say fuck emos. Because that isn't being racist. Emo is not a race. It crosses race boundaries and sexes. It isn't discriminatory because Emo isn't anything but a genre of music. I hate hippies, they're dumb, make no sense, and think everything in the world is a paradox. Yes, that is a generalization, but it's true for the hardcore hippies, which are the ones I hate.

I hate emo. I hate the genre of music, I hate the way they dress, the way they act. Hello Kitty is cute when you're like 5. When you're like.. 18, put that fucking Hello Kitty backpack away and grow some balls. I don't like seeing mullets. They're ugly and belong in trailer parks in the deep south. Emo kids aren't hardcore. XXX drinks aren't hardcore. Their whining about losing a girlfriend isn't hardcore. Life sucks, so suck it the fuck up.

I'm mean. I beat up emo kids with my boyfriend. At his show. Because they got him thrown off stage complaining that the music was too violent. Because he sings one song about how the Scene scene is shitty and dumb. They're a bunch of whiney ass pussies and when they call themselves punk I want to fucking kill them. "I'm punk!" "Really? Ever heard of the Ramones, The Sex Pistols?" "Uhhh the what?" "Exactly my point, go cry emo.. girl or boy, I can't really tell because they all dress the same!!!!!"

Fuck emo. Emo sucks, you suck. I like Anti-Flag, they say it the best.
These justifications for your behaviour are not rational. Advocating beating up any group of people is wrong - that's the same as picking on a group on skin colour or hair colour/style or sex. After all, sex is not a race. It crosses race boundaries and sexuality.

Discrimination is picking on an aspect(s) and then ignoring the fact that you are dealing with other humans who will be like you in most other aspects. We all do that at times (including punks & emo's), but we should never agree that it justifies hatred, violence or (verbal/written) bullying against strangers based on some aspect we don't like.
+1 to skip and also that song actually has nothing to do with hating emos, listen to their other songs about anger, hate and violence are wrong
That song has everything to do with hating genres of music. And I do listen to their other songs. Emo isn't at all from punk. It stands for emotional, punk is talking about hating the government and society. It isn't about how your girlfriend broke your heart and shit.

And Skip, I don't beat anyone up. I never have. Except the singer in my boyfriends band, but that was just for fun and I didn't really hurt him. And I didn't say sex was a race. I said that "it crosses race boundaries AND sexes."

I just hate kids that act like they're fucking 6 years old when they're 18. You need to grow the fuck up. Their music makes my ears bleed and the way they fucking act, the ones I have encountered at least, act like fucking retards. They just go along with what everyone else does and don't have any individuality at all. I don't act like anyone I know. I think for myself, I don't let anything dictate what and who I am.
''I beat up emo kids with my boyfriend.'' pwned
also look on their site they themselves said it wasnt about that
i agree, i have no idea how "emo" is a form of punk.

I dont think you hate "emo". You just hate the fact that people complain over stupid things, like they got dumped. And how people think everything they do is "hardcore".

I think its annoying, how people have to complain about EVERTYHING. or have to prove themselves
coplaining about emos is stupid should i complain about you? you keep generalising i know plenty of emos that dont complain or think they are hardcore.


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