Mohawks Rock

Hey guys! im off to nice n sleazy in morcame (uk) next weekend and we cant get hold of a generator for my hairdryer D:


Refusing to go without my hawk up haha, anyone got any tips on how to keep it from falling over for 3 days? tresemme usually works for me but it dosent dry fast enough and ends up squished when i gan kip D: 


Also! if you'r going lemme know =D

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I was stuck without a hairdryer at a race one year. My mom fanned my hair with a magazine while I put it up lol. Bring a magazine or book and get a hairspray with a higher alcohol content, they dry faster.
lol well aslong as it worked
be careful not to use to much hairspray with high alcohol,thats the crap that ruins your hair, it boggles me that they don't put a warning not to use everyday on hair products that contains a high amount of alcohol
I should have specified, when I say a higher alcohol content I don't mean the highest alcohol content, for that reason. Cheaper hairsprays generally have the highest alcohol content, the more expensive salon brand sprays generally have the lowest alcohol content. You want to find the middle balance for a good but quick drying spray. Like I've said a million times, I recomend bed head hard head hairspray :)
thanks guys, its not just for the festival season to find this out but in general, its starting to come apart the taller it gets if i, i dunno say dance too much in the club lol. Im not too bothered if i dont bother with having it up this weekend as its not been up for weeks anyway it would just be nice to not wear a hat while im away lol. keep getting "sore hair" :S
so if you don't pick it up, what's the big deal for picking it up for a show? I mean it's not that big of a deal...but since it's show time ya have to have it up? I pick my hair up cause it's tuesday haha I won't go out of my way to pick it up for a show, that's fake! :D
haha well concidering how shit the weather is in the UK atm anyway im not gunna bother cant really be arsed now
unfortunately I had to find out the hard way,lol BUT my hair grew back as you can see lol

Got2be freeze spray. simple as that. it will hold it up for a week if need be. 


alright, thanks dude wot?
lol someones a little bit of a rude asshole arent they? clearly you didnt sence my sarcasm in my post but then again that's kinda difficult to do. only a moron would spend money on a ticket for an event to not go because of their hair, of course im going to fucking go im just trying to test the water to see what my options are.
I dont or rather i


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