Mohawks Rock

So I've heard that people actually keep the same mohawk up for like 3-5 days at a time before redoing it.....How the hell?? I take a shower daily and don't understand the concept of keeping it up in the shower, unless they plan on putting a plastic bag over their hair. (I actually tried this part) So just reply on how you keep your hair up so long...

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Simple, don't shower..
Or if you shower - don't wash your hair, and keep the hair away from water. A removable shower nozzle would help. :D
The longest I've gone is 8 days. I wish I could go 10-11. Its easy to not shower when you dont gotta shower. 
I just dont shower :D

If you feel the need to clean yourself though you can always take a bath :P
I do that all the time. just dont shower, and take a bath or wash ups.

Use got2b freeze spray and water from a shower won't affect it unless you get it on your mohawk directly from the faucet. Knox if you have a firehose commin' out of your ceiling!

My power was out for 2 months after a hurricane hit, and I kept it up the whole time. 


Sleeping with it up can take some getting used to. Try taking benadryl or melatonin before going to bed to ensure you sleep.

i dont shower every day.... or every other day... im kind of a disgusting person. 


and i sleep on my side... so if anything it just gets messed up a bit in the back, just add more hairspray. 

i use knox and i used to be able to keep my hair up 8 to 10 days before needing to wash it out. i'd just make sure to watchout for my hawk when i shower and only wash my bangs and the sides of my head.
I use Got2Be Glued spray for an extreme hold, sleep on my side so the hair's not disrupted and when I shower (every day) I adjust the nozzle lower down so it doesn't hit my hair or just keep the water as far from my hair as I can.

mine is only up for the weekend. if its winter then no i prob dont need to shower and just wash my face and pits prob my junk to with a wet rag lol. (always have clean balls people)  
but if its summer. pfft ill shower with the hawk up and use rag on face ,neck and side of the head. got2be freeze spray does hold it up pretty nice. 


How do you take yours down in a day? I never have mine up for less for 3 unless. I use got2be when i fan it and knox when i spike it. A few times i've had to touch something up after sleeping on, or having sex with it up. But i have never taken it down the next day.

it is trust :)

me and my gf both have mohawks


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