Mohawks Rock

We will miss you Osama! the world is not the same without you!


the terrorists got finally got you...




He looks sooo cute

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i fuckn agree with ya was all just for the fuckn rich bro.  bush did it to get the poor in the see then get blown up....thats why he relaxed being inked an shit...he said it was ok to be inked an be in the military...why   he wanted the poor blown away...for there would be more rich  an more oil
Wow A bunch of assassins (american soldiers) killed a murderer (Bin Laden).  No difference between them. Very nice Hollywood story btw LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

true. they are all evil, can't say one of them is good...

I can honestly say going to click on this,i didn't expect to laugh so fucking hard.
yeah it is pretty fun :3
dude its all about the fuckn rich man...fuckn bastards

so, lets get this straight, they spend 10 years trying to find the guy, when they finally find him, they kill him immediately instead of taking him in for questioning ( i'd say he woulda been a valuable source of info?, duh!) and then they could leave him to suffer his last days in solitary confinement.  So yeah, they finally find him after 10 long years of searching everywhere, and what do they do, they dump his body in the sea, the one place no one can ever find him again, lol, if anyone believes the mainstream news i feel sorry for ya. Lots of gov insiders say he died a long time ago and they were just waiting to do something like this to make obama look good and to frame pakistan so they can go start shit with them too.

Inside Sources: Bin Laden’s Corpse Has Been On Ice For Nearly a Decade

Alleged Death of Pseudo-Bin Laden Sets Pakistan Up for US Attack

Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag


the spec opts squad that took him out said that capturing  him alive was first priority BUT once he started to shoot they must have said fuck it take him out,, and that whole dumping his body at sea shit does sound shady,only time will tell the truth

oh yeah one last thing on this topic.WHO GETS THE 25 MILL


Its just all so anti-flag! lol ‘anatomy of your enemy’ pretty much a step by step on how to become america- fuck yeah! Anways aside from that if osama was a real guy- i fuckin liked him! news reports from 1997 show him saying he is declaring a war on america cos they wont get out of his country.. so he fuckin did! makes sence to me hey... oh and that is a cute picture! <3 he reminds me of jafar, lol, evil sexyness. . .

and if any of that made sense... score!

yeah it is pretty cool and badass to declare war on USA :D it was also because he didn't wanted USA to support the extra-illegal terror-state Israel.

Osama. What a cunt.


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