Mohawks Rock

This is hellsa off topic, so what! So apparently, there's a big salmonlia scare going on with my precious TV dinners. So I need some cooking ideas for uno (1)! Anybody got any ideas?

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there was a time when i lived off of cup of noodles ande pbj, but that doesn't really get you all your nutrition. which is important if you plan on spending a night out. i need my strenght n energy to last. lol. sometimes i like to chop up a carrot and throw it into a cup of noodles. gives it more substance.
haha fuck yea ill hafta try that some time
chinese food bro.
high in carbohydrates so its good for energy.
made by funny hard to understand people too.
are they germans?
tasty indeed but very high in calories and fat =/
japanese food ftw!!!
poor mans pizza , take one lebanese pita bread , spread tomato or BBQ sauce on the pita bread , chop half an onion , slice one peperoni or cabana sausage or both , dice half a can of spam into little stringy bit's , place on the pita bread then cover with grated cheese , do not bake in the oven instead put it under the grill , usually takes 5 mins on low to warm through then 3 mins on high to melt the cheese and crisp the pita bread and sausage .
poor mans hamburger , take two bread roll's , cut them in half , take the leftover half of the onion and cut it into onion rings , slice one fresh tomato , wash two leaf's of letuce and place in a tea towel and place in freezer , take leftover spam from pizza and slice long way's to make half inch thick spamburgers , turn on your grill low at first then after 5 mins turn onto high untill spamburgers are cooked the way you like ( I like them cremated ) then assemble your spamburger in your own unique way and don't forget the cheese on top , remember there are many different types of spam even low fat :)
wow, spam. thats so retro. ill have to look into that...
all else fails, invest in a cookery book. plenty of inspiration there. and remember that you need to eat veggies and friut too, then you won't get ill.

try spagetti bolenase, or rissoto, you can freeze it down if you make too much


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