Mohawks Rock

Soooo i actually hear people on here say or sex,gender,race shit liket that dont matter but does it matter how the person is or what they are into..Me im not punk sexual.I love all types of women but right now I love my beautiful gf Tiffany..Um and shes mostly into rap,into some rock and she takes her religion very seriously and I love her ass to death...   Anyway any punk sexuals out there or none punksexuals?...Explain yourself. To punk sexual is when your attracted only to punks.punkrockas.You the type with spikey hair,studded jacket,or a mohawks,combat boots, and dont take shit from nobody.lmao jk but yeah punk sexuals, none punksexuals reason for it?

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LOL Punksexual? Thats new.

I would not consider myself to be exclusively attracted to punks, but my boyfriend of 3 years is a punk.

I don't find myself attracted to any of the pictures you have posted either..
hahahaha i like to fuck around haha
:] I just prefer guys with out bad dental hygiene, more that 10+ years older than me, or wear more makeup than me xD
hahaha im not attracted to any of the pictures ive posted either..I just like there style
I find this very stupid. As in the fact if most people on here say  they  dont care the sex gender or race does it really matter what kind of clothes the person wears ??? Yes some one like you is always good but you dont have to always be the same to be together. As long as there is some sort of common ground that both of us can get along with whether it be music,art,books or anything really its fine. I personally dont care what they look like or what they are as long as i like them as a person.  My boyfriend happens to be a punk but if he wasn't id still love him to death. His clothes makes no difference to who he is as a person.

I feel the same way cool

well I'm  married to a teacher lol,,I guess the opposites attract thing holds very true in my case
im in a relationship with a christian and im an atheist...haha opposites do attract i guess
She is also lol and I'm well I don't know what I am if I had to guess I would say some type of agnostic

i like to get sexual with punks, but only girls


does that make me punksexual?  ha!

yes dick but thats ok..I was just looking for opinons on punksexual hahaha

LOL. I would suppose it would.


You could also say that you are a sexual punk, there for you are a "punksexual" XD


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