Mohawks Rock

woman and men time to come out if you want...I wont be shocked much by women coming out but men itll be like oh because im not use to men admitting stuff like that especially the macho types



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It means you're trolling. 4chan.
im straight but i support gays and bis

Becca (best friend/lesbian): You would be a great gay girl. You are so much gayer and gayer looking than me.

Me: Yeah, too bad I like penis. 


Cool story, right?


 I thought 'what punk stands for' is to embrace differances, and pretty much fuck off anyone who doesnt.

A quote from Dead Kennedys applies nicely for this; "Take your social regulations and shoove them up your ass."


 I like gay/bi people fine. They're good company as anyone else.




ilike that dead kennedy's quote and it might just get me to listen to em for once
I'd agree there - the important thing is being yourself - inspite of others' critisising - and that seems to fit Punk to me.

I can't stand when society takes words out of context. 

I know Frank Sinatra wasn't a homosexual when he sang "I'm feeling gay on this lovely day" I don't mind if people are homosexuals or bi-sexual or even insestual or even pedophiles. Just get the damn meaning of words right.. Just because society wants to change a word into another word doesn't mean you need to be repulsive like them. Just saying. And if your going to be for one organization you might as well be for all. Me I don't really care so much about people. Just my own life and my music/poetry.

lol well it wasn't wrong back then lol... When a 20 year old married a 14 year old.. But the point is if your for one be for all lol.. I'm just for myself lol and animal rights haha
If I MUST label myself, I'd have to say bisexual. I am a sexual being and love having sex, whether it's with a man or a woman. I fall in love with personalities. So yeah.
i totally agree. i don't look at it as loving a man or a woman, more of just loving people in gneral. I usually fall for females more often though just because i can connect with them so much better.
I love the ladiessss!!!! :) i rarely ever date guys, i just don't find them attractive or anything, but then again i rarely date at all. right now i'm in an open relationship with one of the most beautiful girls in the world. :)
gender dont matter to me but men are such closet cases sumtimes..I prefer my women way more then guys and oh im kinda in a relationship too..Not a open 1 to me//


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