Mohawks Rock

Does conditioning a mohawk make it harder to put up, or does it not really matter?

Well, my hair's getting a little weak now since I just dyed my hair the other day, and all the constant blow-drying it..Now, is it normal to tug on your hair a little, and get 1 or 2 to strands come out each time? I don't remember that happening, so I decided to condition my hair maybe 2 or 3 times a week..I was planning on using:
Will that make much of a difference if I start to spike up my hair, in a sense of weighing it down or anything? I get my hair thinned out, anyways. And also, how long does conditioner usually last in your hair? (I also don't plan on spiking it up for maybe a week.) Sorry for all the questions..Thanks!

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Hydrated hair is healthy hair. There is a difference between hydrated and saturated tho. Some conditioners (usually cheaper ones) will leave a wax-y film and make the hair heavier and thus more difficult to put up. It is mostly a personal decision since everyones scalp is different. My hair gets oily fast, so I only condition every few times I was my hair. Some people that have dry hair need to condition more often. It mostly depends on you and what you prefer for yourself. Also, I never really have hair fall out or even end up in my brushes/combs, but like I said, everyone is different. Some people also like leave-in treatments and other various health treatments. 

Good luck!

Thanks. :]
...Are you from Odessa like the 33556 zip? Ive never seen you around this area...

Ooooh. I think I vaguely remember. I remember my boyfriend getting pissed at you. And you getting pissed back. He is just protective, usually doesn't mean harm unless its deserved. I don't have any negativity towards you, I don't even know you really. :P

Hm, thats odd I don't see you around more often... you think we would cross paths.


I also get swamped with school. I'm enrolled in 3. x_x


Um. when is it? And how much is it? I'm pretty broke.

I might go. Its a little steep for me. Local ska shows are priced better for me, and I know most of the people there.
Hm..That's true. I'm just afraid that I'll end up thinning my hair too much, and I'll be missing chunks when I stand it up. :X

Thinning your hair how? 

It does happen, especially when you put your hair up daily and dye it frequently, but there are ways to protect it too. My best advice is just to listen to your hair and give it what it wants. Also leave your hair down for a few days at a time if you can, it will relax the roots and reduce the stress on your hair.

Well, I get my hair thinned out every 2 months..And everytime I spike it, I notice some hair coming out as well..And then now if my hair comes out when I brush through it, that wouldn't be too good. I usually do spike it 1 or 2 times a week..But I might try wearing it down for a week or two straight, and just condition it a bit. Hopefully that'll help..

If you want it to look fuller I suggest a volumeing/thickening mouse and to stop thinning it.

Sounds like a good plan, like I said, just listen to your hair. If it is oily wash it, it its dry condition it etc. 

Your hair falls out naturally every day, it's completly normal. Though if your hair is damaged and your putting a lot of stress on it then it's likely that it's breaking off which isn't good. Along with using normal conditioner after shampooing invest in some deep conditioner and use that a few times a week and hot oil treatments and hair masks a few times a month. As long as you wash them out well they shouldn't effect you putting up your hair at all.

Keep in mind that putting up your hair causes more damage so if you are trying to repair your hair then you should avoid it if if you can.


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