Mohawks Rock

Hey dudes,my hair is fucking dead,and i really dont want it to break off any more than it already is,im scared to put it up sometimes.

any recomendations for conditioning and repairing my hair?
ive left conditioner in my hair overnight in a shower cap,ive done mayonaise and egg yolks for an hour with heat,ive done honey.

any products or other home remodies?

im in serious need of some hairapy.

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A trim is probably in order and honestly your best bet to avoid the rest of your hair getting fucked up
Well it depends on how much you put your mohawk up'

I can't wear mine to school so I only put up up on friday saturday, and sunday..
So it stays in shape pretty much, but the ends of my hair are fucked even so...

You could try not putting it up so much, and when you take a shower turn the water to cold when you stick your head under, then switch to hot when your done
thanks i never thought of washing my hair in cold water,that will help i think.and i just bleached it so im not going to put it up for about 2 weeks to let it rest.i put it up usually for 3 days a week as well.
(im just gonna grab what i said from the last thread like this)

deep condition once a week, you can do this by either buying a pre-made deep conditioner/hair mask or you can mix your own at home. to mix your own mix a bit of mayo and avocado with a very small amount of olive oil or melted butter (i recommend olive oil..or even both if you feel like it). theres also tons of recipes out there, search the internet if you want a specific one. work it into your hair and leave it on for a half hour then wash it out really well.

use a hot oil treatment once every two or three weeks, you can get them very cheap at your local beauty supply store.

do not shampoo your hair every day, every other day is plenty.. and when you wash be sure to massage your scalp for at least a minute. it stimulates blood flow through to the scalp which promotes growth. the faster your hair grows, the faster you get healthy hair coming in.

brush your hair well everyday with a brush that doesnt yank your hair out so that your hair can be well coated in its natural oils (they protect your hair)

trims are very important to keep your hair healthy, get your hair trimmed at least once a month. as a plus, not only does it keep your locks healthy it also helps it grow.
I've never deep conditioned my hair, probably should..
thankyou corpse queen.
ive always wanted to try avacado oil and such,just never got around to it.
i deep condition my hair for 9 hours a week,{sleep with it in}
under a shower cap of course.
it doesnt work as well as you would expect,so im glad i know about the hot oil treatments and the avacado and mayo and olive oil.
im getting it trimmed tomorrow about an inch,ill be sad to see it go but my hair grows really fast usually so i think itll be alright.
well dont just use a regular conditioner for it.. regular conditioner is just made to make your hair feel soft and untangle it after you shampoo, deep conditioners are specially made for your hair to soak up the nutrients and heal...i suggest investing in a good brand and giving that a try instead
ive used garnier fructis anti break and damage control maq conditioner[the one in the green tub]
and it isnt as great as i thought.
what brand would you suggest?
i really cant remember the brands ive used off the top of my head.. mmm it would be best for you to just go where ever you go and search and compair based on what your hair needs.. or go to your local beauty supply/salon and ask for some more opinions
this is really useful...thanx queen de la corpse.
anytime doll


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