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From hair, clothes and shoes - what did you wear and look like today?

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no man its a weird hat, its blue, but it has Raphael on it :/. and i painted the boots, and unfortunately they are not steal toed, but thanks for the reply :D

Raphael?!  He's red!  Those crazy hat makers. heheh


You painted the boots?   Cool.  You should get some pics with them on.  What sort of paint did you use and is it cracking at all?  And you're welcome. =]

lol It is a wierd hat. Look how awful my grammar was. Just sad xD

Well I may post some pics eventually. I just used a couple cans of paint and clearcoat. It doesn't crack if you spray right. But it came off a lot! Pretty much just where the boot rubs stuff. But they look cool. What did YOU wear today?

Well, if you decide to, it'll be interesting to see how they look now 4 months on.

Tbh, I wore the same as yesterday - light jeans, blue t-shirt and white socks and my old black work boots which have seen gardening!  Lo and behold the rare things I've done in the last couple years in them.  I tend to avoid gardening if I can, except for growing strawberries in mad glass contraptions.. =]


Now break out that camera before the 'may' turns into May. ;)

two dirty ass shirts, dirty ripped pants, dirty shoes, dirty socks. I had two minutes to get the fudge out of my house.
absolutely nothing
hair up in a stabby comb thing. (i have long hair :/ )
nirvana shirt
black hoodie
red plaid suit coat
my docs

i was sleepy rolling out this morn
Hair poofed everywhere and wore PJ's all day!
It was a freaking monsoon over here and there was no way I'm driving to school in my shit-mobile.
hair-all puffed up (didnt do it to today :) )
shirt-just a black A shirt with a black dickie zip up hoodie
pants-black stonewashed jeans
shoes-brown boots that ive had forever
Christmas market girl today.
-Hair up green bangs down
-Smurf outfit (the blue clothes you have under your clothes when its 20-) Big homemade socks, snow shoes
-red thick wool dress from the 50:s +knitted islandic wool dress+ belt
-purple coat + white ear thingie + yellow scarf+ bright blue west ontop.
=colour explosion, punk elf or something like that, kidz loved it hahaha

Now you really know how to dress up nice and cosy!  Layers are always great for keeping warm.

I like the sound of the purple coat and white ear thingy and yellow scarf with blue vest, perfect for a cheery Xmas look.

hair: my mohawk (fanned)
glasses, a scarf, gloves,
my WIZO t-shirt, 2 hoodies, jacket,
a blue jeans, 2 pairs of socks and my boots
It has -6°C here in germany at the moment -.-


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