Mohawks Rock

Ok, so I want to get zebra stripes on my mohawk, but I'm not sure what is the best way to do it. I have naturally black hair, so I can either bleach stripes into it and go over that with a toner (not sure if the toner would have any affect on the remaining black hair) or I could bleach it all, use a toner on all of it and then dye black stripes on it (not sure if the toner would affect how well the black would take). Those are the 2 options I thought of. If you think one of these ways is the best way to go about it or even think there's a better way, please let me know.

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I'd keep your dark hair, and cut out strips of masking tape and lay them out on your head. Then just lightly dab your dye/bleach whatever onto the un-taped parts and let it sit for however long.
Never thought about getting tape involved, lol. Thanks, I'll probably try this.


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