Mohawks Rock

Just wondering what your thoughts were about this....

This last halloween my friend and I were passing through this redneck town after a local concert when we get pulled over (across the street from the police station) for having a broken tail light. No big deal right? There were two cops initially and before we knew it there were three more cops and a drug dog involved.

We made no rude remarks or resisted the officers. Our records came back clean, but when the drug dog was making his last round on the vehicle he bumped his head into the side of it. The narcotics officer is also the chief of police in this small town. They searched our vehicle for drugs and searched our persons. I told the officer exactly what I had on me and where it was. I had a knife (legal dimensions) and a belt buckle shaped like brass knuckles. The buckle was not on my belt as it fell off my belt and got broken in the pit, so I just put it in my pocket.

My friend had a baseball bat, a random couple of drumsticks and a pack of condoms in his truck. The chief and his cronies searched the vehicle and found no drugs (because we don't do drugs) we do smoke however and he tried to tell us that a plastic cigar case was "paraphernalia". We politely assured the officers many times that we did not or ever use drugs. We just waited with our hands on the vehicle for about an hour in the freezing cold like any good citizen would do... hahahaha!

The officer questioned my friend about the condoms and my friend stated that we were on our way to meet some female friends (totally true). The chief then insinuated that we were both homosexuals. The chief then directed his attention to me and asked me to explain the knuckles. Without taking my hands off the vehicle I politely told him that it was a belt buckle that you could buy at most any store and that it had broken and if he just turned it over he could see a hollow point from where the notch got knocked out of place.

The chief then told me that he knew what it was and that I needed to "quit being a fucking dumbass". It was at that point that I realized that reason was not going to work with these redneck cops. My friend is a drummer. He had drumsticks in his truck. There was a tarp and some bungee cords in the back. The chief then accused us of coming to town to kill someone wrap them in the tarp and ditch the body. We then explained that the tarp was to protect the drums from the weather when he was transporting them. The chief shook his head in disbelief and proceeded to give us each citations for concealed weapons possession (for the belt buckle and the bat). Both fines were $544 dollars APIECE.

While it would be very difficult to fight the tickets, I was wondering if you think I have enough for a police harassment suit against the town?

In my eyes the cops were guilty of the following:

Sexual Harassment: insinuating we were homosexual (completely irrelevant to his investigation)

Verbal Harassment: cussing me out for politely giving him information that HE asked for (uncalled for and conduct unbecoming of an officer)

and Provocation: By saying we were in town to kill someone with no evidence or motive to prove it he was trying to provoke us into resisting so he could arrest and detain us (also unprofessional as we have clean records and no history of violence juvenile or otherwise)

If someone could shed some light on my options I would be very appreciative.

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Replies to This Discussion

skip town. i know that you probably got family friends ect but shit like this happens alot and there aint a lot that you can do about it coz there are usually more of them then there are of you. soory mate but cops like that unfortunatly get there way
yeah, i'd love to skip town but to be honest that's out of the question for me. if i did sue them it would not be in the city court where the incident occurred, that would be a heavily biased trial. Instead the court would be held in the seat of the county which happens to be my hometown and my hometown and the city i got harassed in hate eachother because their cops keep encroaching on our jurisdiction. I think that with the right lawyer and a couple of witnesses and having the "home town advantage" I would have a shot of winning. This is why I ask if anyone knows the laws around harassment better than I do.
i dont know bout harrasment laws man but im sure you can find out anythig o n the net!
yeah, I gave that a go but there's nothing there about suing a police chief and his city lol it just said that if i had a complaint with an officer i needed to fill out a form and turn it in to the chief of police. Seeing as though it was the police chief that did the harassing nothing would ever get done about it. A catch 22 in the system i suppose lol
Go over their head.
haha just show the piggy fuck a real weapon
aint gonna help his situation though
..its never easy being good natured. You do have enough for complaining to the proper authorities over there but you can assume prejudice since the law doesnt overlook cops but usually favors them since they ll just report a successful patrol routine.
yeah i know bro. australia is good though. mostly haha.
as long as you arnt burning down their shit -_-
Just an update on my situation (I haven't been on in ages.) but I had to end up paying the ticket but I got it reduced. That's the bad part, it gets alot better.

The I read in the news that bad things have happened to two of the cops (including the police chief who called me a dumbass) involved in our "bust".

One pulled over someone for speeding and offered to take a bribe to not give the speeder a ticket. What the officer didn't know was that the person he pulled over was an off duty cop from my city. Needless to say he is now in jail and off the force because of embezzlement.

Here's where it gets real good...

The police chief was recently caught on drug charges and was convicted and is now in county jail. Poetic justice comes to mind. He tried to pin me and my friend for drugs and he himself gets sent to jail for drugs. I nearly pissed myself I was laughing so hard.

Moral of the story: If you are a crooked pig who abuses innocent people and misuse your power YOU WILL GET YOURS!
fucking ace bro! bet you got a grin ear to earXD


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