Mohawks Rock

Hello, I'm new to the site, and I've been searching desperately to find a discussion about starting a mohawk with thin hair. My hair is pretty thin and fine, but I would really like to get a mohawk. What sort of problems am I going to encounter, and what can I do to keep it looking awesome?

If there is already a discussion open that touches on this topic, please link me :3

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Your probably gonna have some gaps and maybe a little difficulty gettin it to stick up. A wide base is always good, especially with thin hair. If u fan it, it will most likely have gaps but even people with thick hair have them. You can use a wide range of stuff to put it up, Some recommended are Got2b glued freeze spray, Rave x4 mega hold, aquanet ultra hold, got2b cement hair glue, elmers glue, ice spikers glue. You really have to expirment to see what works best for you. For thin hair Death hawking is awsome just tease that mother fucker!

Personaly i like seeing mohawks with imperfections, imperfection is simply perfect. You get better with practice. MOHAWKS ROCK
at least you're not gonna have to worry much about going bald too. At first I got really good at putting it up with soap and clear elmer's glue. DONT try any kind of glue by itself, especially spray adhesive. Now I use pomade and it takes like 3 minutes.
that kind of stuff only works for really short hair. it is too heavy. i use go2b cause every one told me they loved it so much. but personally i like pump it up gold. i think it drys faster. i dont use a hair dryer either cause i cant afford one. i also like pump it up gold because it only costs like 2 bucks
cut it thicker, allow your self enough room to put it up. i have some what thick hair though but i am also verry carefull when it comes to shaving it especially if im bicking it. it is always easy to accidentally cut too much off. but the more i bleach my hair it seems alittle more thin maybe just me getting parinoid idk. but how i did mine was i combed it parting the sides one at a time and then cut the sides off. try leaving all of the top hair. if it doesnt look right to you you can cut more off but just really thin peices at a time. its better to go to thick then too thin.
Your hair WILL be thinner after you bleach it. Try using the toner which comes with the beach ever other wash for the first week or so. Colored dyes or any dye which are semi-permanent are going to help strengthen your hair after you bleach it too. There are lots of shampoos and products made for people with thin hair- i've never had to use them but it might be something you should look into. Also tease, back comb, the hair when you put it up. It'll help strengthen the base and help the hair stand up. And like everyone else has said KEEP IT THICK!. I have think hair and i had to shave off my hawk and start over because after about a year i had shaved it down too thin shaving it. Good Luck!
my hair is pretty thin too all i use it freeze it hair spray the mega freeze one, it hold really well for my hair. i usually do mine in a death hawk, and fan it sometimes, and just use the same stuff. i get it at wal-mart it comes in a gold can. but you have to watch it because if you use to much or spray it too close it will turn white and flakey. it works the best for me though, hold up in humidity very well.
To avoid gaps, I usually put wella shockwaves styling steel gel in (really strong gel, that goes 'crispy' instead of 'waxy' like got2b glued styling glue does) and then comb it as i blow dry it, so its thicker. Then I use a minimal amount of the got2b glued styling glue to shape it into a fan, and freeze it with got2b glued spray and a hairdrier.


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