I like the black & blue hair pic with the eye makeup at the sides and necklace. All sets off your eyes, face and curls nicely then. Reminds me of an Egyptian look.
ill try to keep them in order.. if i did all the colors and styles i did this thread might go on forever.. so ill stick to cuts..
about the closest thing to pre-hawk i can easily dig up
first hawk, i know you cant see it well but thats cause it was hideous!
turned into this, which was also my only lib style..never been able to pull it off since.
got lazy and let it grow long then started wearing it up again
trimmed the sides up a bit (was still too afraid to shave it at this point :P)
got bangs
widened my hawk and ended up with a whack trihawk for awhile (mind you it was a million degrees when this was taken..i was pretty much melting into a puddle of hairspray and death)
got impatient with it and turned into a baby bihawk
it grew
attempted whack ass leopard spots
and grew
the damage was pretty ridiculous and it was mega hot so i buzzed it
grew back the hawk
longer and longer..
i think thats about as current of a pic with it up as i have..