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Post your cat pics here! =)

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Just the one now - and she's in the first post, still going strong at 18 - though she's become very noisy, meows all the time. XD

My sister has about 6 :O - she keeps rescuing more.
ha, my cat's named Miji, but I call him Mimi
our cats have the same knew I liked you!
haha, thanks!
this is my old cat deva vani. i miss him. he died last year. =(

Sorry man, I will freak when mine is gone....
yeah i did when i found out =(.
i don't know what to do now if my babies are gone, i almost lost poezekind last week.
she chocked in a piece of meat.
that's so sad, my sympathies
Here's my Miji cat, he's the biggest baby and the first pet I got when I moved out my own, so we're super close :) He use to follow me room to room like a dog until I got his sister, then he pestered her, haha. He sleeps with me most nights :)

Here's Izzy Bear aka Fat Cat. She was allergic to her vaccinations and they gave her a shot of antihistamines in the leg to save her life, but hit the sciatic nerve and it paralyzed her leg and I had to kitty cat therapy on her to get her to be able to walk again and return some feeling back in her leg, so we waited longer to get her spayed and it made her chubby when we finally felt we could. Poor thing, but she's the happiest most laid back cat and the queen of the house.

I love how how she's spilling over the edge haha.
I love my cats.
I love the face on Miji - with that little pink lip and white splash - adorable.

Awe, poor Izzy Bear, still glad she's contented now and certainly looks it there! =)

This is my cat Moogs, she has a sister called Mavis who looks the same but really small. I also have a tabby called Arnold and Brian (below).

Everybodies babies are beautiful...I like checking in and seeing the new news...sorry to those that have lost there 9lives pals...

Keep good care of your babies...they will take good care of you!!!


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