Quite a few interesting ideas there. One in particular makes me curious, I can't see any reason why there can't be more than one 'Infinite'. Since all infinite is, is 'unbounded', 'endless', etc. there could be more than one without limit.
Infinite(or 'all') doesn't limit things to one, you could even have co-existing, overlaid infinites all covering the same infinite aspects. Mmm...an infinite number of identical clone gods covering all the same aspects. :D
As to 'consciousness', or 'awareness of self', well, that phenomenon comes and goes, it's not a persistant thing. Sleep, anathesia and other drugs can remove it. I suspect we need to clarify what definition of 'consciousness' is there. 'All Knowing' doesn't match up with 'consciousness'. Being aware of everything doesn't mean that something(s) are neccessarily everything (again, overlaid concept works too or just inter-linked). Thoughts don't seem to have anything to do with vibrations or pure energy as far we know.
I don't see why science shows 'intelligence' in every cell of the human body. The two are unrelated. Science does not posit intelligence as a component of cells. That would be introducing an 'unknown', which isn't science explaining.
Could spend a lot of time on that post, but I must sleep. :(
I believe that if there is indeed a single, all powerful God then he would have to be cruel and sadistic to allow so much suffering misery and famine in the world. And because of this i find it more comforting to belive that there is no God :)
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