Mohawks Rock

Ive always been curious as to what the opposite sex thinks about your mohawk. I would think that at times it could be a deterient, but others it might attract them. Tell me your experiences.

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LOL, that priceless!
haha that story is pretty classic!

my girlfriend LOVES mohawks so i have that goin for me =) I was growing out all my hair and then she couldn't take it anymore and i couldn't really either so it is back now...too short to spike still but hopefully in a few weeks

overall, i think its about the same between genders. no different. some like, some hate, some are indifferent. some want to touch, some dont.
guys either think im creepy
or they check me out hard core
its strange
theres no inbetweeners
My ex loved mowhawks, she espescially liked it when I had it spiked. She was kinda crazy though... Anyway I found that it makes for an easy icebreaker. I've had some girls come to me out of nowhere to tell me they love my hair. But I've had some gal friends straight up tell me they are tired of it and that I should shave it. She' from down south though and into the whole hip-hop scene. So I guess it just depends on the person really.

As to girls with 'em, that catches my eye right away. I think girls with mowhawks or any punk hairstyle is uber hot. Mainly cause I know they don't give a shit about what others think. I tried to talk my ex into rocking one, but she was too worried about what others would say. Lame.
i would say i get less action now with the mo-hawk! but yet again didnt get much b4 lol!
i usually get random girls running up and jumping on me telling me how obsessed they are with it witch i dont even care but then it attract these little emo/scene girls that are just annoying but it was kinda funny ive made a little girl cry just by the sight of me i laughed so hard
asians stare at me on the train, all types. Mainly because I'm asian with a moawk, which is apparently rare
Opposite sex get intimidated but the ladies love it! ;)
I get lots of compliments from women every day, of all ages. A 19 or 20 year old girl asked to touch it today and a bunch of other women gave me compliments. Black people in general tend to ask me if my "hair is real" I guess they're used to the Mr.T / P. Diddy type of Fro-hawk deal and think I must have fake hair to pull off my mohawk @_@
If only I knew.........


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