Mohawks Rock

ok, so I'm not starting this topic for controversy, I don't want to hear people shouting fuck the troops, fuck the government, fuck the war. shit like that. I don't want to hear you political views. But what I'd like to know is if anyone here has either military experience (past or present), a family member currently enlisted, or are planning to join up.

Just wondering about this because my brother shipped off to Iraq 8 days ago and wanna know if anyone else has a simlilar story

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Not trying make political statements, but as it pertains to the subject, I'd just like to say it makes me extremely angry when people treat military (wo)men disrespectfully when what they really hate is the government or the whole situation our country is in with the war.

You wouldn't bite the hand that feeds, why would you piss on your protectors?

Have some respect.
I want to join the Navy, however i can't because my asthma is so severe. However i do have an uncle who is a retired navy seals, and who has a purple heart. I also had a grandfather that was in the army
I know this is an old thread, but my little brother is a Cav. Scout in the Army and has been deployed to Afghanistan. He got glass in his eye from being shot at through a window and it was in there 8 fucking months before they got it all out, so his eye is a little fucked up. Apparently that's not a bad enough injury to get a purple heart though which is some bull. He also has a scar on his thigh where a bullet grazed him, little higher and he'd have lost his junk, little deeper in the leg and it would have got the artery.

His best friend (or hetero-life partner haha), Josh sports a mohawk and plays bluegrass, it's pretty awesome, lol. Kinda a big f-u to people that think bluegrass is country. My brother cuts his hair into a hawk when he's on leave, yeah it's a landing strip, but he can't grow out the middle until he gets out of the Army next year.

Love my bro, and much love to all the soldiers out there.

My brother Sam right after he got home from Iraq and my son Jake.

my cousion is in afganistan he is amphibious recon for the marine corp


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