Mohawks Rock

I'm starting a collection of shirts, pretty basic punk designs... you know, leopard print, skulls, zebra print and general err... statements...

i thought i'd start doing some vests aswell... acid wash/bleach them in various ways to distress them, then add some animal print to them and a couple of rows of studs, but nothing major so they are free for customization from the new owner...

i know we like to personalize them ourselves so didn't want to do too much to them.

every jacket is bought as a one off and hand designed so each would be unique when bought then obviously your designs would further the effect.

I'd be opening a store on ebay to start with, and if i make enough from the shirts, would think about starting an independent website...

just fed up of the 9 to 5 i guess.... need to create more than i do now.

do you reckon anyone (yourselves or others) would ever purchase something like this at all?

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t shirts i definately fucking would as screen printing myself is so fucking expensive, as for semi customised denim would be interesting to see what kinda stuff you'd make, i already have my own built from the ground up but i know alot of people that would be interested so long as they have their input
yeah, i've got some myself obviously... i know how personal they are...

they're pretty bleached, so quite light to start with and there'll be a few sections patterened... mostly left blank though, and as they're light, it'd be easy to write on or paint on, and obv. adding patches etc...

i'm waiting on more paints to arrive, but i've got everything ready for when it arrives...

when it does... i'll put some pictures up of what i've got available.
awesome look forward to it man, i had a bit of an ask around, i know of about seven or eight people definately interesting and theres alot more out there that i know of and im from a very small place
mate, you're a lfucking legend... I'm from the isle of man with a total of 4 punks... one of them being my son...

I'm pretty much the only one over here that woiuld wear what i'm making so needed to find out if there'd be any kind of market for it out there at all... and along stomps you...

nice one buddy.

I'll be in touch ASAP!
shit must be fucking dead out there...
lol glad to see your son is keeping it alive, as i said im from quite a small place but i'll keep asking around over next few days as i have some mates with shops/stalls in camden and norwich, where punk stuff sells alot easier see what i can sort out for you
its whats handy about being punk we all help each other out
look forward to hearing from you man
but like i asked about and to get a decent silk screen is like 70-100 quid and then there are inks etc
What i use is get a pair of panty hose and a picture frame without glass and that shit. Put the panty hose ontop of the picture frame and duct tape it to stay, put yer disign underneath the hose and trace with pencil then use elmers glue or someting like that to block out the negetive, put the frame ontop of yer shirt and paint. Its not like really fancy or anyting but it gets the job done with some good results
sounds pretty cool never heard it done that way, off to superdrug to get some panty hose then :)
sounds good :D
so... got the paint through today... wrong paint... tried it out anyway.

when i get the proper paints, the black will be darker and won't be so misty around the edges...

the jacket pic is just to give you a rough idea... it's got the leopard print on the sections just behind the arm top to bottom aswell...

let me know what you think so far.
i'm fucking impressed man
shirts came out cool
and jacket is nice looking got a mate who cant wait to stud it up
you got yourself a couple of customers for now man :)
wow i can dig what your doing there.


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