Mohawks Rock

I know you CAN, but is it safe or would it work to pierce a septum yourself? I don't plan to quite yet, but I was just wondering if it would work.

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My sister pierced oher own on a school bus with a dull nail. That was like 6 years ago and she still has it today.
Home piercing is always a much better experience than getting it done by a pro, but TBH, I think that this is one that's better paid for, unless you're pretty damn experienced.
wouldn't recommend it, i originally did mine with a nail and i could feel it throbbing for about two months afterwards, also wasnt awfully comfortable and did damage some cartiledge, the sweet spot being quite small on the septum, but hey who is to tell you what to do, if you really want it do it i thought it was quite fun :)
Best of luck judging how straight you got it...

I would personally let someone do it professionally. Too many things can go wrong. And generally, as a reflex, if you feel the pain you are likely to stop and start and stop and start. Ya know, instead of someone doing it in a relatively smooth motion.
I did it, turned out crooked, had to go to a pro a few years later to get it done again. Just the the guys who know how to do it do it.
99% of the time self piercing = infection....if the infection gets bad enough to get into the cartilage then you could lose your nose ultimately...i love my septum piercing...the little kids i work with call me "the bull" because of $70 i've spent IMO
one of the many reasons i'm called ox lol :)
yup...$65 plus tip here in MA...
aint that like 35 40 quid? jesus to get it done proffessionally here is like a tenner....
idk the convert...
I did mine... I've done it 3 times no problems.

Safety pin left in for an hour or so til ᵀᴴᴱ skin relaxes, then a larger sewing needle to widen it, then leave for an hour again...

From there, chuck a ring through.

I burnt ᵀᴴᴱ needles and sat them in vodka for a bit first to kill germs.

I preferred this as I could go slower and work around ᵀᴴᴱ nerves and pierce under ᵀᴴᴱ cartilage so minimum/almost no pain incurred.


But, it does cost £40 over here to get it done... Fuck that.
its supposed to be under the cartilage...and i'd much rather pay once for someone to do it than keep payong for possible medical treatments...


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