Mohawks Rock

Meesa figured there was a visual art bit so verbal there should be as well
So please, any ond' everyone feel free tae post yer' poems, songs, rhymes, limricks etc here, and feel just as free to give critique and advice to those who ask it, or those who don't, freedom o speech ye?

I personally always welcome criticism on mine cause i need tae get better

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heres teh first bit o' a draft i wrote, its a drinking song, about drinking, being drunk, ond being an asshole
its pretty short more of a fast bash party song, thing flatfoot 56+dropkicks on cocaine and meth sang bye jello biafra


Well I like rum, yes I do
I’ll drink me some, and give none to you
This bottle isn’t big enough for both
But it’s big enough to make a toast

I might be greedy, or selfish
I might be tricky, or a bitch
Well it’s alright I don’t mind
Ye never know I mind go blind

So lets drink up, heres to me
When I’m drunk, it’s all I need
So lets drink up, here’s to me
When I’m drunk its all I need

Well I partied last night, and te other day
I got in a fight, for pukin’ on a cake
It sure would be fun if I could remember it
But if a can’t then I wont have a fit

Well I woke up tis morn
In someone’s dorm
I hurled in their sink
And had me another dink

So lets drink up, heres to me
When I’m drunk, it’s all I need
So lets drink up, here’s to me
When I’m drunk its all I need

the end
i got bored and was talkin boot teh such so i wrote tis song, it's called teh sharpie master
well i found him, drunk on the floor
about too have a hangover
but little it he know, what was bout too happen to him
the sharpie master was in the room,
and the sharpie master had his pen

oh sharpie master, have mercy on me
i did not do nothing to you
please good god have mercy on me
i have work tomorrow....

i aproached very scilently, with sword in hand
and began to draw on the face of this man
he was snoring so very loudly, i could not help meself
i drew a dick rick on his cheak
right next too his mouth....

oh sharpie master, have mercy on me
i did not do nothing to you
please good god have mercy on me
i have work tomorrow

hah i figured such would be played similar too gogol bordello, mostly minor chords, notes etc

Herez a song i wrote bro, check it out and tell me wat u think


Another ordinary day

the leaves fall down as they did yesterday

and i try to think of something better to do

and i fall down again

just like every other day

i just wish there was something that was new

i wake up with the sun

another dusk flies and another dawn

seems to pass by without me knowing why

all these people are so ordinary

same old lives with the same old story

we all wish that we could just deny

falling short and falling down

brings me back to swimming around

in my own pool of thoughts that dont mean shit

hurdles that ill never cross

afraid from all the things ive lost

im beat and i think not im up for it

so cut me loose and bring me down

im sick of just playing around

with things i really know nothing much about

give me some motivation

sick of all this education

frustration through dedication  to this bout

good things i doubt will ever turn out.

That was pretty fuckin good man, touche'!


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