Mohawks Rock

you know with what the US spent on the Iraq war we could have fed and
clothed and educated every child on earth for 30 years?

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who the hell are you? bono?
Sure am.
every time i clap my hands a starving african child dies...clap faster!
Thats cute.
That's fucking sick. Everyone should be donating to Haiti or something better than wishing them death.
dude, have a sense of humor. FIRSTLY: i said africa, not haiti..check a map.

second of all, it's a joke. a really really really old joke. on that's been done to death, and if you haven't heard it before now then come out of your cave, and i'll teach you the concept of humor.

there was a story (urban legend mostly) that at a U2 concert, during an instrumental, bono clapped slowly with the rythem and says "did you know, that each time i clap my hands, a child in africa dies of starvation" to which an audience member replies "clap faster!"

ba dum tssss...

and that's how a joke is made.

next week's lesson: how babies are made
Haiti is in Africa.... but I can only hope that was a joke too. I know it was a joke.
ummmm hello? haiti is in the north atlantic. right under cuba, and next to the dominican you know where those are? i'll give you a's not in africa! no sense of humor, and no sense of direction? i really hope you can make it through life, buddy.

please refer yourself to this handy dandy map, which CLEARLY shows us that haiti is indeed in the carribian.

Now YOU need to take a joke! Maybe you couldn't tell I was kidding, now that I look at it again it doesn't look sarcastic. But I know where Haiti is, what with is being the biggest news story on earth right now.
oh so it's jokes ye be wantin, matey. a grasshopper hops into a bar and the bartender says "we got a drink named after you" and the grasshopper says "you got a drink called jerry?"

here's another one. once there was this boy who diddn't know his geography...he died. that's it.
The first one was funny... I didn't get the second one.
Please, for the love of god, don't take that literally....
as a non beleiver, am i now free to take it any way i wish to? in that case, i'm going to take it as a come-on, and to that i say no sir, i will never do anything like that with you, a horse, and a hatiain transsexual!!!!!!


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