Mohawks Rock

Ok, i use public transport a hell of a lot as an art student, and i have always got noticed before i got a mohawk. Nowadays I feel that I'm sort of on show whenever i get on a bus. When i have to buy my ticket from the front, that gives people a good 10 seconds or so to completely check me out. Then the whole duration of the bus ride, you always get people staring.
Does anyone else get a total buzz from that? I love to think i give them something different for that day.

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did i say sunset? i meant sunrise O_o haha

oh n i was walkin round the other night n these bogan retards yelled as i was walkin past "LIKE THIS FUCKHEAD HERE!" haha i just kept walkin.. im pretty sure karma has already gotten em with limited inteligence :P
Maybe it was a boyfriend of one of the teenage girls?
haha na maaan.. just a few lads in the street lookin 4 a fight :P probly on the drugs.. i dno lol id just gotten there haha
Well I don't have a hawk but I get stares, usually when i wear my plaid pants and/or when im listening to very loud music
i take the public bus EVERYWHERE.

i got used to stares pretty quickly, i wont say i love them, but i wont say i hate theme ether, it really doesn't phase me at all anymore.

however, i do wack people in the face pretty often. buses get pretty crowded here pretty often, and standing there with 8 people right next to you, its bound to happen.
the funniest is when the people try and walk by me really fast, and i turn to let them by(so they dont walk into my hawk) and it smacks them in the face.
lol sounds like fun


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