Mohawks Rock

ok i want a biohazard tattoo on my chest, maybe with wings.
but there is a problem.. it supposed to symbolize aids for gay men. and i dont want that as a tat,
for me its a cyber goth, i feel i'm too dangerous for men kind of thing ;) (wink)

so what should i do?


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iv never heard that as a sign for gay men having aids :/

just explain it to anyone that asks or any gay men your thinking of sleeping with. the wearer gives a tattoo its meaning.
lmao..i wont be able to sleep witha gay guy lol. and i came across it when looking for biohazard pictures.
true. idk yet
why not do the reverse thing and find a symbol that means the oposite to what you want to say and then reverse it , I had an upside down egyptian Anhk made out of solid silver , the right way up it means eternal life and upside down the way I have it means eternal death , then again I still have my first upside down cross :) and my Jesus is a cunt t-shirt , gota be different .
you might like my other t-shirt :)

K.K.K.= Gay Gay Gay

@ the time I made it I did not think about the insult to the gay community but was trying to piss a kkk member off , hindsight is always 20/20
i agree..but thats just a thought on the back of my head. i got a diffrent tattoo now, i'll get the bio later
I don't see how that's a negative thing. Its your tattoo, and if other people perceive it as bad, how can you stop them? I used to get bugged about my first tattoo because it's very 'self-depreciating' but it's my tattoo, and it means something to me.
i agree. thanks guys. i think my friend just got to me. normally i dont care , its my body. and can you guys ship those cool shirts over to me =D


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