Mohawks Rock

Alright so what i need is a HAT, but not just any hat, what i want is basically just a cap, beanie, or any other hat that has an open strip down the middle. There a lotter harder to find than you'de think, ive searched everywhere in the whole frickin world that i can think of with no luck, and ive tried just cutting a hole into a hat myself, and well lets just say, i wont be useing that hat again.

Anyways my hope is that someone can point me in the direction of where i can find a hat like this, or even better if someone can make me one, or even give some advise on how to make one would be greatly appreciated :]

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Make one.
I agree. It's not hard to cut a section out of a hat.
Ive seen liberty spikes and a few slits cut into a hat.

For me I like scarfs and ear muffs. :D That usually does the trick.
hi, you just need to find a felt hat or some other stiff hat that will keep its structure even though you want to slice a slot throught the middle of it! use a fresh exacto knife or similar super sharp blade and remember to keep the blade edge facing AWAY from you, not towards you... super important.
good luck.
My friend just took a regular hat...cut it in half(From front to back) and put one zipper(a three or four inch one) on at the back of the hat, sewwed up the front one or two inches and ket the hole from front to back for his hawk. (He has a 10 inch mohawk) He just unzips the zipper and slids the hat on his head and zips it back up. Works great and looks good.
that's actually a really awesome idea
If you want a beanie then try cutting the hole then going over the cut edge with a button hole setting on a sewing machine. That should keep the hat from stretching/fraying/falling apart. Good luck! And post pics if you can make it work :)
My best mate rocks visors alot, not uber daggy fear and loathing style, more like those kinda beanie-ish visors... keeps her head warm even if she does call them her 'wigga hats' hehe
I cut down the middle of one of my work hats then stitched each side to stop fraying out works pretty well.
thats just adorable XD
You could just get one of those golf hats that are just a bream and a velcro strip.


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