Mohawks Rock

I know that normally having a mohawk is a pretty unique and special thing, but here in this community where most people have one, what is different about your mohawk? Is it a bihawk/trihawk? Do you have a little one growing off to the side? Do you fan the top and spike the back? leopard print or checkered sides?

I wanna hear some unique things outta you guys. My 'hawk really isnt that unique except for that I shave off about an inch or two of the very back of mine

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my mohawk is half ^.^
um, i have a "purple zooster hawk" as mi frinns say. its bright ass blue-ish purple wit zebra stripes on the sides, and then the whole chelsea thing goin on too.
i have a kickass chelsa dreadhawk...i love it. thats all thats diffrent about my mohawk =)
Well, this picture is pretty much what you'd call a gay hawk.
i also have the "half hawk"-
my half isn't that special but some of the background of why i have it kind of is. I put it in after 5 years of growing out my hair to donate it to Locks of Love in memory of my mom who passed away from cancer. Now i'm in the mood to enjoy and have some fun with my hair before i go back to growing it out again to donate. I guess too for so long in my life i took my hair for granted then after spending so long to give hair to those who don't have any i just want to be able to enjoy everything i can do with it.
Everything i've done with my hawk from putting it in, bleaching it, all the up dos, EVERYTHING i've done totally by myself. It's been a unique. I love it but sometimes i wish i knew more about what i was doing. So far everything seams to have out.
mine is special because i have the black flag on the sides
Wells, right now I look like fuckin ElectroBoy/girl cuz the left side is 1 inch long and the other, shaved. I want a second hawk adjacent to the other one. So when I have a primary fan, the little one will be libertied (vice versa..). Kind of a side hawk variation
the only special thing bout me hawk is that i have a tiny bald spot in the front XD
ripped it out when i was like 3 years old?
most people know it's me by lookin for that lol
i got hair on both sides of mine. My picture is about 2 year old but its still kind the same but blue and in a back combed fan. As my mohawk goes to the back of my head it gets shorter and shorter i do it like this so when it's down i dont have a mullet.
i have a orange and gren tri-hawk
the only thing special about mine is that i had it for 15 years,,lol
Got attacked while passed out by a 2 year old with scissors so there's a section in the back that's slightly shorter then the rest. Due to the wind sometimes I feel like I'm about to become the next fucking Mary Poppin's since I start to drift to the side when my mohawks up. Makes up for it though since the last time I was in San Francisco it made me beer money since the out of state people who said they had 'never seen people like us in real life' would pay for pictures with us. So I'd say mine's special since it can put a beer in Liberty's hand...


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