Mohawks Rock

Ok, so I know its a bit early but I'm already stoked about Halloween. :D

Do you dress up?
What are you going as this year?
Do you fly solo or do a "group"/"couple" theme?
Do you still trick-or-treat?
Favorite past costumes?
Best Halloween?

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I dont always dress up but i feeling good this year :P

I'ma go has a punk? XD Not very creative i know but come on im too poor to get together a real costume XD
i fly solo :3 not very many people wanna hang with me here anyways xD

I don't trick or treat. but i do enjoy scarign little kids. XD

my favorite costume.. was when i was some queen chic from starwars hehe im a nerd :P

best halloween? last. i got so drunk i dont remember shit x]
I'm going as a toxic zombie but does anyone know what i'm supposed to use to paint my arms?
Radioactive waste?
I'm gonna go as one of the misfits this year (use the hawk to make an awesome devil lock).

My fave outfit so far is pretty generic:
Do you dress up?
Yeah from time to time

What are you going as this year?
I wanna do something with steampunk this year

Do you fly solo or do a "group"/"couple" theme?
I've mostly gone with groups

Do you still trick-or-treat?
Kinda last time was 2 years ago

Favorite past costumes?
In the past 4 years i didnt do much cause i was in school i usually did nothing untill i was Jerry Only 2 years ago then hte next year we had a shitty uniform policy so i decided i wanted to wear some clothes that i liked so i copped out and wore my bondage pants a sXe shirt i made my self,again a quickly put together devillock, a cyperpunkish keyboard key made necklace and 2 X's on my hands.Because the school had a thing about wearing normal clothes so i called my self sXe kid so i got away with it.

Best Halloween?
About 3 years ago when i was with some friends and we thought it would be a good idea to walk around kinda like droogs from clockwork and when my friends were messing around some asshole decided to call us fags but when we saw we had weapons kinda they weren't really it was a prop bat my friend ryan was a metalhead pimp so he had a cane and my 2 other friends had old pipes from some garage.I'm getting really off topic but it was the best because hanging with friends and my that was the day my niece was born.
I fucking love Halloween! Favorite holiday by far! Anyways, to answer the questions...
Yes I do dress up every year, I have been making my costumes for almost 4 years now ^^
This year I am going as like a clown/circus freak theme.
Usually do couple/group, this year its going to be a group, me and my other and my sisters.
Trick or treating is still up in the air for this year.... We usually go trick-or-treating then head to a haunted house, sad thing is we look scarier than the people at the place sometimes lol
I have to say my fallen tinker bell costume from last year was by far my favorite.
All Halloweens rule! Cept last year my pumpkins were destroyed before anyone could really see them and I worked very hard on them!
This year, take pics of them (the pumpkins) - that way you can even share them here online! =) Which gives me an idea...
It's never too early!
halloween is really big in my family so I always dress up.

I'm going either as Alex DeLarge (a clockwork orange) or a sorta zombie nancy spungen type.

I still trick or treat of course :D haha
I was hoping to find someone to be Sid (if I went as nancy) but I gave up, haha, no one knew who he was(sigh..) and the people that did just didn't want to.

i think my favorite costume from the past was Tia Dalma. My mom made a kickass dress for me that year and wearing dreads was awesome. :D
Halloween is my absolute favorite!
I'm going as a female Mad Hatter, I'm making the costume, a tail coat vest, top hat, mismatched tights..etc..
I usually fly solo, but I wanted my boyfriend and I to be Beetlejuice and Lydia next year.
I TRICK OR TREAT. I'LL DO IT TILL I'M DEAD. I'll pretend I'm a kid under a ghost sheet if I have to so people don't bitch.
My favoirte past costume was when I was a gypsy when I was 6.
Best halloween was last year, even though I can't remember much ;)
Your costume sounds cute :-p
LOL @ ghost under a sheet - clever idea! XD Another advantage for us who are not tall. Could do with free sweets round about now...
im from england i dont celebrate halloween cos its basically begging i know im a kill joy but trick or treaters piss me off
threw wet bog roll at em last year haha
A bit late but I kinda wanted to answer this (even though it's pointless for me), and I'm bored XD

Do you dress up?

What are you going as this year?
Nothing D:

Do you fly solo or do a "group"/"couple" theme?

Do you still trick-or-treat?
I've never even been D:

Favorite past costumes?
Same as the one above.

Best Halloween?
Same as the one above.

All in all.. We don't have Halloween XD


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