Mohawks Rock

In today's world we can NEVER achieve anarchy.
I am an anarcho-communist.
I see and observe how people think and how they act.
And I have come to the conclusion, that if there would be a country that realises that Anarchy is the way and change its way of doing things, people WILL fuck it out because they do not understand!
Whenever I epose my political thoughts and beliefs, someone HAS to tell: 'oh so you favor chaos?'.
I just glare them and patiently explain what it means and how it would be better than the present system.

But after some time you realise the people do not want freedom, they want someone to control them, someone to tell them 'hey you cant do that' so then they will do it and feel rebellious/important.
(this is also slightyly related to the religion system)

I dont know. I just wear my anarcho-communism patch whenever I can and only explain it if people want to know.

Thoughts on this?

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I completly agree. Our scociety has come so "far" that ppeople have a need to follow. No one ever steps to far out of line, and most have been so ridiculusly programed/brainwashed that they don't even think about a regime change or how their scociety would be different (for better or worse) with a different government. Its always Democrats vs. Republicans. Liberals vs. Conseritives. Nothing more, nothing less.

But lets suppose for a second that a government was completly disbanned. Not by a coup, or any other switch of authority. Just absolute and complete anarchy. And the inhabitants of said land were aware of this, and understood. I know its a long shot, but just for the sake of argument, pretend its true. Now, within MINUTES some kind of authority, some kind of structure, would undoubtably rise. The dumb and the weak (which is the whole of scociety today), are always looking for a leader. ALWAYS. Its unstopable, yet everyone refuses to aknowlage it. It would be as easy as some douce thinking he knows whats best in a certain situation, and telling others to follow. The worst thing isn't that people will follow, its that we have been conditioned to follow. Every horror movie, every disaster movie, someone rises to the "challenge" of leading. Its pathetic.

I'm sorry for bad spelling and grammer, I'm sick as balls. But I felt the need to respnd, for this is a subject I feel very strongly about.

Something that has quite helped me explain myself is music. One of my favorite quotes comes from a Vandals song called "Anarchy Burger." May you take it and spray it at everyone who thinks Amerika is a free country.

"Amerika stands for Freedom,
But if you think you're free,
Try walking into a deli,
And urinating on the cheese."
Yes I see your point and I agree. And that is also why what I want to see: people caring for one another without jealousy, and orderly freedom, is just a Utopian idea.

I know the Vandals and I like that song. America failed in its purpose of freedom, and instead dominates the world of war.
And yet, no one seems to question why we're not free. Some even proudly say we are, which is as bad as claiming that the U.S. has a Democracy, and that Democracy works.

You might want to watch out with how much "Utopia" you throw around. I'm not dogging on you, because I understand the two meanings of 'Anarchy', It's just that most Utopian ideals inclued conformacy and anti-individualization, which is NOT the kind of Utopia I'm fighting for.
Yes yes, in fact I dont tell it to anyone since its useless. We all are individuals most just want to conform because they are weak and cannot cope with all the freedom.

The USA is full of controversies and lies. I dont like the US.
I hear ya. As soon as I can get up enough money, I'm OUTTA HERE!! :D
...... =P
Come to Europe ;) its not exactly heaven for us, but its better and full of different countries :D
I'm thinking Ireland or Austrailia at the moment. I've heard the scenes arn't so bad there, plus they're pretty awesome countries =P
I want to go to Australia myself but thats not gonna be soon. Ireland is awesome and beautiful :D
..or rather people are so hostile is not because they want freedom but they want to choose who they want to be in control. Where I live a very high percentage (between 75-95%) of the people vote every election, and most of the fights and arguments are usually about politics.

Yes on a small scale it would ''work'' but then someone would be in control of how big the scaling gets so its not anarchy there; its capitalism the very thing we fight.

When I remember how people were in the very old days, just farmers and fishermen working for a greater community it gives me a warm feeling. I m not sure if i m being under stood correctly here.
YES! You're very good at explaining your views, and I completly agree. You, ma'am, are an awesome person.

Its a utopia, it cannot be achieved since not everyone wants it and when people do not agree with something, they cannot live without destroying the idea for somebody else who does agree with JUST BECAUSE they do not agree with it (same ideology for gay rights, divorce, etc).

Yes, people have a wrong definition of what anarchy is; almost everyone I ask "What is the meaning of anarchy way of living to you?" gives the answer "chaos". People WANT to be controlled.

I wish anarchy would be given a chance, but it would not last with the man's method of thinking.

I am an optimistic..but I am also a realist and the odds and facts regarding government (with or without) do not show much progress.


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