Mohawks Rock

"uuuhh, they did with I got 'em, but not anymore."
I get asked this all the time regarding my snakebitse and everytime I say the same, exact thing.

are any of you more nifty than I!? can anyone of you think of something more witty of me to say?!
I challenge yyyeeeewwww!! >:O

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Not if you're a Jedi!
She's right.
not as much as my genital mutilation
Wanna find out?
i have never ever been asked if im able to eat because of my lip ring. that's really bizarre lol

the only thing people ask if it hurt is my micro dermals on my hip. and my reply is generally "not really, it's not much different from a regular piercing..."
Haha, my neck tattoo didn't bother me, and I thought it would. all. I had a stiff neck though, thats for sure!
My grandma watched me the whole time and I never flinched or anything, and she tells people and it embarasses me. Which is weird.

If you're stupid like me and tattoo your toes... *cries*
I didn't cry, but I think it'd be worse than cutting them off. Owowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow
What did you tattoo on your toes? Never heard anyone doing that before. Interesting.
I have the skeleton of my foot tattooed...on my foot :-) it's UV and I figured I wouldn't exclude any part of I'm tattooed all the way from the top of my foot to my toe nails.

It's like giving birth (I'm assuming) or I'm a masochist. I know it hurt, and it hurt REALLY FUCKING BAD, but I don't remember how bad apparently, because I'm going to do it again to the other foot. haha
I have one or two up! Go check my slideshow :-)
hah! i got the same thing! i just told them it was difficult to drink a can of beer the first few days, and to the idiots, i told them "i can't eat but i love it so much, i'm starving myself"
a few asked me if my septum hurt.

usually i give them the truth"like a bitch for 2 seconds" and if interested i tell them how most people i know had 0 problem with it, that i seemed to have a shitty spot.


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