Mohawks Rock

i'll leave links to each hair dye that i list even if they are not the best hair dyes

manic panic sucks it tends to fade mad fast and u dont always get the color u want esp with the lighter colors cotton candy pink, electric lizard, ect. also the atomic turquoise came out green when i used it, although the hot hot pink and vampire red came out well and didnt fade too fast when i used it.

special effect tends to work very well and dosent fade too fast, but sadly im haivng a hard time finding it now. another BIG plus is that it is NOT tested on animals :). so if u find it grab it, or u can order on-line but there is s&h shit u have to deal with plus waiting for it to come.

splat hair dye comes in a little kit with its own bleach but it only comes in 4 colors, but i have only seen the blue envy and luscious raspberry in stores so u would have to order it on line and that kinda sucks bc of s&h and waiting for it, also a friend of mine that uses the blue envy used the bleach that came with the kit after having his hair dyed a while and after he bleached out the blue envy the color shanged, near the roots it faded to a light pink color and lighted the blue and made it look like it had a cotton candy effect to it and it look pretty damn cool.

adore by creative image i have not tried this but i was told that is works much better then manic panic and it is mad cheap, but i didnt find it around me. i also looked on like for it on-line but i didnt find a site that showed the colors themselfs so u would just have to go by the name of the color, but still yet again s&h and the whole waiting game shit.

punky colour i have only used it once and that was like 6 years ago from what i memeber tho the color came out the way i wanted it to but i dont think it lasted too long but like i said it was 6 years ago so give it a try if u want.

raw color hair dye seems to work well so far this is the 1st time i tried it and the color dosent seem to have faded but it has only been a few days so far, plus after i bleached my hair it was mad rough and dye and the hair dye softened it up and made it feel as tho i didnt even bleach or dye my hair, i'll keep u updated on how much it fades. i found it at hot topic so it was about 13 bucks and that kinda sucks bc im going to be pissed as shit it it fades in like 2 more weeks. (update on raw it faded mad fast not to happy about it big waste of money)

color fiend i have not tried it at all. it was also at hot topic aka everthing is over priced but it didnt seem like a good dye bc there was gliter in some of the colors, but if u want to try it go for it it was also like 13 bucks. the link for the raw also shows this hair dye.

'n rage i was just goolging hair dyes and came across this 1, i havent seen it around has any1 tried it?

la riche going by the site it is only in the uk but i belive u can ored it in pack of 4 of each color i never used it and i have no clue how well it works but here is the site

this site has special effect, punky colour and manic panic at a decent prices but u could prob find manic panic for less, but u wont be able to find special effect for any less then what it is priced on this site.


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ive tried electric lizard over bleached blonde hair, cottoncandy pink as well, and neither held AT ALL. there was barely even a tint of color in my hair.. pissed me off! haha havent used manic panic since, cant stand the stuff!
I have heard as well that washing with cold water helps extend color. I know it is supposed to help your hair grow a bit quicker too.

Do oyu know of any truth with this cold water/hair dye myth?
i belive that works bc warm water would open up the hair cells and what not and make it easier for the color to wash out, just like with black shirts when u was them ur supost to use cold water so it wont fade, also when u dye ur hair having heat added will help the dye stick bc it opens the cells or whatever up and let the color deeper into the hair
Cold and Hot water effect the hair folicles differently. Hot water makes them open while cold water closes them or keeps them closed. So there is some truth to that. The key to keeping weird colors in your hair longer, is going without Shampoo for as long as you can. Shampoo actually rips color from the hair folicles. If you can stand rinsing your hair really well, then using a small amount of conditioner and rinsing again in cold water, that would be best to keep the color bright.
Ive been told that you should add a bit of vinegar to your hair when using Manic Panic because its helps the ph balance or something..
Ok punky colours has redeemed itself for me. i used blue this time and left it in for alot longer then i left in the red and its staying pretty well. its even cooler too since my hair is blonde the more i wash it the greener it gets so its like 2 colors in one.
In my current hair I used Special Effects pink with a drop of Atomic Pink. Manic Panic's Electric Banana, Electric Lava, Wildfire Red (which both work great). For some reason Atomic Turquoise doesn't seem to last long. It fades really fast. Special Effects colors last long. The tip is to leave the color on your hair until it dries, then rinse with White Vineger, then Shampoo. You can get special effects cheaper by ordering it throught the Garment District out of Cambridge, MA. They have online ordering as well.
Any brand of blue's fade horribly because of the pigment. Reds tend to stay the longest. Blues are easier to bleach out then reds as well.
It really depends on the texture of your hair and how light you bleach it first off. Any dyes like Manic Panic, Special Effects work well if after you bleach your hair to a pale yellow, wash it with a ph balanced shampoo and then blow dry it. This will make your hair super porus and will suck up the color like a sponge. Most shampoo's that say "Daily Shampoo" on the bottle have a good amount of ph in them.

Another trick is to dip your head in white vineger first, dry it, put the color in, rinse it all out, then pour white vineger on it again and rinse. The Vineger helps the color soak into the pours of your hair folicles.

And just for fyi, if your sick of your color or want to try a new color, Bleach soapcaps work better then bleaching your hair again. Bleaching your hair over and over causes alot of breakage over time. To make a Bleach Soapcap, just do 3 parts shampoo to 1 part mixed bleach. Wash it into your hair and cover it with a clean plastic bag or plastic wrap. Make sure to always keep your head warm. Heat = Fast bleaching. But to much heat, like direct contact with a blow dryer = Fried Hair.

On the body modification website I belong to we have a Hair Dye Addict forum, which is great to have handy advice. =]
That soapcap idea is one I never heard of. I do not bleach my hair often at all and keep colors quite awhile before switching, and usually I just go to a darker color so I don't bleach again...but If I ever do I will keep this in mind. Nifty idea for sure

thanks =)
First brand I used was stargazer, and it sucks! Washed out really fast.

I use directions now, and it's better. It still fades quickly, but the colour doesn't disappear completely.

I haven't found any other brands yet around here to try.
im only posting a comment on this thing to move it up bc i seen 500 things about hair dye and i posted this mad long so every1 could look at it and not ask what is a good dye for thos color or that color


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