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Warning: High intensity levels, might burst ear drums, may offend everyone...

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so right... he could be super duper 'white bread' white with blue eyes, blonde hair, and born in sweden!!!
I'd rather be called a comrade than a sycophant wage slave...
i like bob. i think he's been drinking a case of rockstars or red bulls cuz he is AMPED! he is right IMHO.
Nobody complains about our socialized law enforcment, fire department, or postal systems...If you'd do the research and find out for yourself what exactly socialized medicine means than you'd understand both the benefits and the fallbacks.

And as for being called racists...of course white americans weren't called racists for protesting against the white president. We were called terrorists, i can guaruntee you the guy screaming at the top of his lungs in this video was also screaming about how war protesters and people that didn't give the bush administration 100% backing were all terrorists and were unamerican and needed to be shot...its all bantering.

Before you go posting ignorant shit all over a website you need to do more than watch the news or get your information about your politics from youtube. read a book, do some research, learn a little. ;)

Socialism =/= Communism =/= Stalinism
people ARE too complaining about it.
yes, i understand the pros/cons, but hey, i live in america and we were not founded on communist law.
i have been doing research for about 4 years now and i post here and there some stuff many people don't really get to hear. if you really want to go into depth in it, well let me tell you it is a process.
i just like this guy, he sums up some things i would like to say and i enjoy it.
i'm not ignorant for posting a video from youtube, i just happen to agree with him is all and thought some may enjoy it to.
thanks for the input. =]
of course you would post some mainstream crap that "everyone and their moms" believe..
Sorry I couldn't find any articles by Big Foot, Loch Ness Monster, or Chupacabras.

But here's an article from my main man Ralph Nader, (but I suppose he must be too mainstream to trust as well)

Let's just take that last part of the opening paragraph "reform that received the approval of the giant drug and health insurance industries.", I'd definitely say that the Swiss Plan would meet that. If everyone is required to buy their own healthcare and if you can't afford it the govt will pay for it, that would be a big insurance executive's wet dream, it means they'll be gaining more customers and they will always get paid.
But Herb! I love the Chupacabra! :-(
saw clip and fully agree goverment is brain washing america evey day more and more they try to make yu something yu ar not land of the free thats a joke dont try to supress me or i will explode like an atomic bomb people are getting tired of getting labeled for there opinions and beliefs hate to see what my children will have to deal with great disscusion Jade peace out INDEPENDENT TELL THE END ASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally some1 says something :D
Exactly, anytime you hear any anti-social healthcare argument, they point to whatever government they decide is the worst and say thats what health care is like when socialized.

On a second note, what Obama was TRYING to do was to make government run health INSURANCE. This doesn't shrink the market, it doesn't mean the government takes over, it just creates a competitor in the market as sort of a control to make sure no one is left out or getting gouged. This would be federal health insurance that cannot deny anyone due to pre-existing conditions, people with pre-existing conditions now are forced to go on without insurance or pay out the ass for poor health insurance that does very little.

As I stated before, before you go posting something do some fact checking. The dude is complaining about an issue that isn't even there then whining about something he likely did four years ago.


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