Mohawks Rock

there was supposed to be a race war after a white kid and a black kid fought, white kid yelled nigger this nigger that and the black kid punched him, it was broken up after that.

thoughts on racism

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you know we segregate ourselves using terms like white or black. we are all different shades of brownish red. yes all races are different not just in skin color but in bone structure as well but thats due to environmental stimulus rather than having evolved from different animals. our skin color has nothing at all to do with who we are. im not whte im irish american. and the irish americans being the later immigrants were treated very harshly and worked alongside asian and former slaves in building railroads for pennies a day. and america think its so big and better because t doesnt oppress people. bullshit. it was one of the worst countries for oppression even now its bad. it uses economics now instead of slavery causing the poor to stay poor and the rich to get richer. stop class struggle end capitalism and you will stop racism and senseless hate.
Racism sucks. I mean it just doesn't make any sense to hate somebody because of the color of their skin. I mean we are all humans doing the same thing. Lol, it would make more sense to be a species hater than to be a racist and hate your fellow human beings.
I hate it when people say things like "Oh us blacks were treated so poorly blablabla by you and your ancestors". It's like no, you weren't treated poorly. Your ancestors may have been, but not you. So don't try and use their misfortunes to your advantage. Oh and btw, I didn't treat your ancestors badly, people in the past did. Stuff in the past has nothing to do with us so don't act like I owe you something.

Hope that all made sense lol.
people naturally segregate to the max extent, religion, color, moral values, nation, social class, even down to what side of the city they live on.

This is something humans had as a survival mechanism, the problem being it is useless now, much like religion.

The things people hate are the tendancies and sterotypes of that "race" or group of people. they don't hate the color of the skin or the social class, they hate what about society it represents to them. The best way to stop racism is to remove those stereotypes, things like rap music videos and the blue collar comedy bullshit do nothing but aid in rascism because they create public examples of that which people dislike about anyone of a given group.
In response to Erika, who refers to racism as "gay":

How is using "gay" as a derogatory acceptable? Discrimination and mistreatment based on sexual orientation is as wrong as discrimination and mistreatment based on culture/ethnicity. At no time is it acceptable to single out any group in this way.

Would you feel it was equally acceptable to state "racism is so female"? No? Because discrimination and mistreatment based on one's gender isn't acceptable either?


Might as well figure it out, everyone. We're all on this planet. We're all related. We're all one. No sense in treating any group with disrespect.
Don't be gay man.
this oversensitive bs really starts to piss me off. grats, you're gay, or you support gay rights, good for you, so do i.

But minorities that have been held down (including homosexuals obviously) start getting a persecution complex that is completely uncalled for. Like this little diatribe.

Lay off it, no one cares. Spend your time writing congress to get laws passed to support same sex marriage, not wage internet wars with people that use stupid phrases like "thats gay."
i live in detroit, where if your in the right places there arnt any white people for miles, and i love it, by best friend is black and i realized i like steryotypical black communities more than steryotypical white communites. theyre all straight up with each other and i miss that at home because every suburban white family iv met put so much effort into beating around the bush in order not to not offend somebody, also in the white community i get alot of shit for being a little different, but in the black community i am not only accepted, iv been approached by groups of black girls and told i have "swag" and asked for my number. i really think the back communties racial issue with the white community is the fear that whites have, i have a tendancy to fuck with somebody i know is afraid of me. i dont think tence racial interactions would be so potentially violent if white people stopped being so fearfull, and by that i dont mean make some dick remark to show that your not afraid, just be positive and friendly.

oh and another thing, anybody whos riding this white pride, bullshit train, please, this is one step of being a nazi, if you arnt already one. have pride in yourself, not your race

im not pregiduce against anyone except juggalos, any pissed off juggalos want explination to that one just ask, i would me more than happy to share why i hate you
Oh, isn't that special. Robert's a moron. Got it.


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